Chapter 1

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Roses don't shine in the colour red. No, Bianca disagreed. Rather they bleed, and it is the colour of their blood that shines red, not the rose itself. She felt like she had turned into the rose and it's thorns. Because regardless of all the walls she had put up, she still got her fragile heart broken, just as the rose, despite having sharp thorns, still gets cut off from its stem.

Empty bottles of liquor littered her bedroom floor. A pile of his clothes cut into pieces using one of her kitchen knives. The pairs of sneakers he forgot to fetch, thrown off her balcony. Framed photos of them laying on the ground by the left, glass shattered and photos teared. The frame being the only thing not affected by the angry attack. Like a sign of mockery, telling her that although he broke her, she could never do same to him.

She didn't understand though. She did everything right, or atleast that's what she knows. She listened to him, obeyed him. She submitted to him, worshipped him. She loved him, and showed it fully.

So why? Why would he hurt her this much, by breaking her heart.

Why embarrass her like this? Choosing to fall for another when she had claimed him as hers, proudly, openly.

Why smooth his way into her chest, gently pulling out her heart from where she had hidden it, only to toss it into a burning fire and watch in satisfaction as it burns and melts into nothingness.

Why betray her this way, her love, their love. Her heart, their heart.

Had she imagined it all? His eyes, shining with love whenever he looked into hers. She wants to tell herself that someone else has him dancing to their tune, forcing him to hurt her and in turn hurt himself. But if being naivety be a trait for the pretty, then Bianca labels herself as the ugliest bitch on Earth. But she still got played, fooled really good. Painfully so.

She wanted to scream and shout, to wrap her slim fingers around his neck and strangle him to death. But she won't, cannot. Because she loves him still. Because a piece of her heart remains tugged underneath the small heap of his boxers. Hidden until the next time it is needed. Uncared for, but responsible for protecting his most priced possession.

She wonders still. Why he had to treat her like a princess first, before hurting her this much.

Why not just rip out her heart from her breasted chest in which his head used to lie, instead of breaking it from within?

It hurt.

So much that she wanted to just end it all. To stop the pain, save herself from the embarrassment and pitiful looks. To say her last prayer, and have it be a plea of forgiveness from the lord for sinning.

But her job that she loved dearly would be left for someone who was probably just in it for the money and its benefits. Her best friend, who would slap her even in her coffin for ditching her when there is still so much left in their bucket list. Her family who loved her very much, depended on her. There was still so much to live for, yet she felt like she had nothing at all.

Maybe this is what heartbreak does to you, it whispers sadness and pain into your ears when there's still so much that can make you smile, so much to make you happy. Pathetic, really, and Bianca felt loads of that.


"Pity party's over bitch, get up!" Came a loud voice accompanied by fast footsteps stomping to her door. Bianca groaned from underneath the huge blanket she lay hidden in, turning to the other side of her messy bed. Clothes, his untouched clothes and hers, lay scattered on it. She recognised the voice for it belonged to Fiona, her troublesome best friend.

Soon enough, her bedroom door was pushed open with so much force, it made a banging sound as it was pushed aside. Lord knows what kept it from being pulled off its hinges.

In walked Fiona, a frown painting her beautiful ebony skinned face upon seeing the mess that is her best friend and her room.

"Nu-uh B, we're not wallowing in this grief longer than we should," she scolded, walking to the equally messy bed to pull off the blanket to reveal the real state of her hidden best friend, but the latter was prepared because as she tried to rip off the blanket, Bianca held on to it with so much force, you'd swear she wasn't just planning on sleeping the rest of the week off.

"Bianca, let go of this blanket this instance!" Fiona demanded, her frown replaced by an annoyed expression as she tried to unsuccessfully win the blanket to her side with Fiona also holding onto it.

"Fiona, allow me to mourn my broken heart," Bianca responded in annoyance, her response making her friend more annoyed. Fiona, chuckling in disbelief, put on a fake smile.

"Oh! Wait let me rephrase then. Sorrows, oh sweet sorrows your lady miss, continue to boost that asshole's ego," she responded, sarcasm dripping off of her every word. Bianca froze at the mention of her ex-lover, and Fiona took this as an opportunity to pull away the blanket. This time, she succeeded.

Looking at her teary eyed friend, she gritted her teeth in anger.

"I'm not doing this with you Bianca, not this time. You have two options right now. Either you get the fuck off of this bed and go take a long ass bath while I clean up here, or I catwalk all the way to Nate's house to set him and his house on fire. Pick a battle!"

Bianca blinked awake, her mind taking in what her friend just said. Fiona was not one to bluff, Bianca knew that very well. So, without wasting anymore time, she let loud a sigh of defeat before getting off her bed.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," the latter said smugly as she watched her friend shame-walk into her bathroom.

Tell me what you think people. I'll be waiting.

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