Chapter 2

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Smiles, that's all Bianca could see plastered on everyone's faces. Laughter, loud annoying laughter that made her ears want to bleed. Or maybe it was her heart, either way, she regretted leaving her house and the comfort of her warm bed for this irritatingly sweet coffee. Seriously, what the hell did they put in their coffee to make it taste so delicious?

"See babe, I have a plan to help get back at that boy who thinks of himself as a man just because he broke your heart." Fiona suddenly spoke, bringing Bianca's attention back to her. The latter blinked back to reality, not really interested in anything that had to do with her now ex boyfriend.

"Come on, ask me what the plan is," Fiona pressed on, a mischievous smile playing on her cherry lip balm painted lips.

"I'm not interested," Bianca simply said, drinking up the rest of her now cold coffee. She grimaced at the after taste of it, feeling it still lingering taste and smell on her tongue. This is why she preferred eating mints right after drinking coffee. In honest truth, mint eating is a habit Nate made for her, he hated her coffee breath and as someone who really loves coffee, Bianca sure did finish all her mints in a day hence she always bought them in bulks every single week. Too bad Fiona didn't give her enough time to prepare before dragging her to this place.

"Babe you no do well oo. So you're just gonna let him go scot-free? Just like that?" the latter asked, an unimpressed expression now painting her beautiful face. Strong was her Nigerian accent whenever she was not pleased, it made Bianca want to smile but she didn't, she felt way too sad for that. People always wondered how they mixed- an ebony skinned Nigerian girl and a black American with light skin, but they were inseparable best friends.

Bianca cursed herself. She really should've let Fiona take her visiting in Africa. Maybe then she would've gotten herself a nice African man instead of the foolish white boy who just broke her heart without even blinking. But white boys were not all bad. Look at Ed, her half brother. He was such a sweetheart, or maybe because their parents, now married, did not tolerate any bad behaviour. But he really was kind and caring and was sure to treat her like he would his blood sister. Speaking of Ed, he left tons of texts and messages for her. He must be worried sick now.

"I have to call Ed, he must be worried," she said, reaching for her phone which lay next to her now empty coffee cup. Fiona huffed out in annoyance, not pleased by the change of topic.

"See eh, you better tell him that I am still waiting for him to take me on a date, make he no make me wait for long oo," she said, which successfully made her friend laugh. It was funny how her brother and best friend always flirted but never really went ahead to venture into a real relationship. But Bianca knew that her best friend was simply waiting for her brother to make an actual move, that being a long wait because Ed was hopeless in that department. He really was just a cute nerd with great flirting skills.

The phone didn't ring for long before it was finally worried by a worried Ed.

"Bee, where are you? Are you alright? I've been trying to call you but you weren't picking up. I came over to your house but it was locked and you know you haven't given me that spare key which isn't fair because Fiona has one. Speaking of her, where is she? Are you two okay?" Bianca laughed at her brother's rambling. Speaking to him never failed in making her feel better, he is just so sweet and kind and super adorable. She was glad that their parents met and fell in love because now she has found herself the best older brother one could ask for.

"Calm down Ed, I'm safe. I just went through... something. I'll tell you once I'm ready. I'll come and see you later today, okay?"

"Okay. But don't go missing again, okay?"

"I'll think about it,"


"Just kidding. I'll do better," she responded to his whining, smiling still. "Fiona is right here with me," she added, knowing that he really wanted to ask about her again.

"Really? Can I talk to her?" he asked hopefully, making Bianca giggle.

"Sure," she responds before passing the phone to an already waiting Fiona.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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