Where these two hearts meet

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Does it not hurt-
To see my lips bleeding
from your fanged kiss?
Because these hearts
of ours dance together still,
But there is a large wall
in the middle of where they
The space where you and
I ought to have been,

Does is not hurt-
To see my eyes cry out
this endless river because of you?
I dug a tunnel where you and
I could hide from this awful
world and all its troubles,
But you buried me in it,
Because there is a large wall
where our hearts meet,
And it keeps you from
being mine again,

Does it not hurt just
the slightest?
I mean the sound of my
breaking heart as it falls
out of your hold and into
a pool of smooth stone,
A beautiful break,
Because there is a wall where
these two hearts meet,
And it has separated
you and I.


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