Group chat (part 9)

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|hey guys sry I've been gone so long I haven't been getting ideas lately and I've been busy with school, but I'm back so I hope y'all like this!|

SR: guys!! I need to tell dally something!

SC: what?

DC: what do you need to tell dal?

SR: nothing where's dal at? Can I have his number please?

TB: sure here, 1+ 505-***-****

SR: thx two-bit

(SR left the group chat)

(1+ 505-***-**** has messaged you) (Dal's P.O.V)

1+ 505-***-****: dal! I need to tell you something!
                               what? Who are you? :Me

1+ 505-***-****: it's me Steve, but dal I hit Silvia with my car...

                                                   Ok? And? :Me

(Changed 1+ 505-***-****'s name to Steve)

Steve: I just wanted to tell you so you knew :)

                                           Nice :) thx 👍:Me

Steve: yw :)

                                                                :) :Me

(Steve is offline)

(Group chat's P.O.V)

TB: like I was saying pony, your dumb

P: no I'm not!

DC: guys chill out

P: darry he's being mean to me again!

TB: I'm not being mean, I'm saying the truth...

DC: just shut up both of you

SC: jeez... They never know when to stop do they?

DC: I guess not

J: hi pony! :)

P: hi!! I missed you!🥺

J: aww🥰 well I'm here now❤️

P: :)

DW: what?

TB: hi dal!! 😘😍❤️

DW: hi two-bit 😊❤️

TB: I missed you!🥺 Where were you?

DW: I was getting us a drink to share 😄

TB: aww 🥰

DW: hehe 🥰

DC: gosh...

SR: hi soda!❤️

SC: hi Steve ❤️

DC: love birds 😏

SC: darry! 😳

DC: hehe 😂

SR: soda wanna come to my house?

SC: ye! ❤️

SR: k!

SC: I'll be over in a bit! 🥰

SR: k 🥰❤️

DW: darry, two-babe where do you wanna go?

TB: anywhere 😏

DC: same, and did you call two-bit two-babe?

DW: ye UwU 💅

TB: let's keep it that way~ 😏

DC: 😑😶

DW: hehe 😂

DC: I heard there's a horror movie coming out today

TB: let's go!

DW: ye!

DC: ok hold on let me ask pony if he's going to stay home with johnny

P: yup go ahead

DC: ... Ok

TB: yay!!

DW: yippie!! 🎉

(DC, TB, and DW left the group chat)

|This chapter was 383 words long but it will get a bit longer in the next one, I am also very sorry for not writing for so long I've just been going through alot of stuff and I've had alot of school work and I'm super sorry, but I promise I'll make it up|

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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