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"Blood must have blood Pt. 1"
season 2, episode 15

The mix of grounders and sky people now surrounded the main doors at mount weather. Tents had been set up nearby as they all waited and planned for war. "Welcome, Sky Crew. Join us." Lexa welcomed them inside the tent, Clarke was on the right of her. Berlin was one of the sky people to walk in the tent, although she was angry with Clarke, she needed to get in there.

"A package from Raven." Berlin handed Clarke the item that Raven gave her. "Hydrazine. She said it would do the job."

"Good." Clarke nodded her head, she knew better than to think this suddenly meant everything was fine between the two.

"Your mom wanted to be here, too but she's needed in Tondc to help the wounded." Berlin was mostly angry that one of those people was her father. She didn't want to leave his side but she knew he was gonna be okay and he was safe in Tondc with Abby.

"Field commanders, today's the day we get our people back. The enemy thinks it's safe behind its doors, but it's not. When it realizes that, it will fight back...Hard. We need to be ready." Lexa spoke up as she looked at the group before her.

"This is a rescue mission. We are not here to wipe them out. There are people inside that mountain that have helped us, children who have nothing to do with this war. We kill their soldiers, their leadership if we have to, but we are there to rescue our people. Is that clear?" Clarke asked among the silence. Slight chatter danced around but no one objected to what she was saying. "Then let's begin. There are 4 teams. Two of them; at the dam and in the mine are moving into position already."

As Clarke was speaking, Thalia was leading a group of people, including Octavia into the mines. "The third, inside the mountain, is freeing the Grounder prisoners as we speak. It is our job as the fourth team to keep the eyes of the enemy off of them for as long as possible. To do that, we have to be in position here at the main door with our entire army. The mountain men believe the door can't be opened from the outside, so they leave it unguarded. Only it can be, and thanks to our source on the inside, now we know how. According to Maya, the electromagnetic locking system has one flaw. When the power goes out, it disengages. That's where Raven's team comes in."

Raven and Wick were inside the mountain, knocking out any guards and beginning their mission. "The mountain's electricity is generated at Philpott Dam. By now, they've taken the turbine room. It's their job to blow the power. Once they do, we blow the lock.There is a catch, a backup generator inside the mountain. If the lock is still functioning when that backup power kicks in, we'll never get that door open, we'll never get our people back."

"How much time do we have until the backup power kicks in?" Berlin asked her, curious about their time slot.

"One minute." Clarke sighed as she looked to the girl. "That's the window."

"That's a small window." Berlin mumbled and crossed her arms.

"Why don't we just take out the backup generator, too? Bellamy's inside. Have him do it." Damien spoke up from behind Berlin.

"Leaving them without power that long would kill them all, and as I said, that's not the mission. Besides, we lost contact with Bellamy." Clarke added hesitantly at the end.

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