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"Blood must have blood Pt. 2"
season 2, episode 16

Thalia stood pacing as Octavia sat against the wall as they waited. An alarm started blaring making the women look at each other. "It's about time." Octavia breathed as she stood up. A body came down and fell into the dumpster, Octavia looking inside, "Fox."

Running footsteps were heard and both girls were on guard, waiting and ready to fight whoever it was. Clarke and Berlin came running, stopping when they seen Octavia. "O?" Berlin ran and crashed into the brunettes arms.

"You stayed." Clarke said with short breaths from the running.

Octavia glared at the blonde and turned around when Berlin let go of her. "Screw you. Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie."

"We have to get in there." Clarke told her as if it wasn't obvious.

"If that was possible, do you think we'd still be out here?" Thalia spoke up with distaste. She didn't like Clarke, that much was obvious to all of them. "Why did my sister sound the retreat?"

"She made a deal with Mount Weather, freed the Grounders, and now we're on own." Clarke told her as she walked forward and banged on the door.

Octavia sprang forward and pulled her back, "Stop! They'll know we're here. What about Lincoln? There's no way he would have gone along with a plan like this."

"He didn't, they took him." Berlin had a sad look in her eyes as she told Octavia about Lincoln. She could understand what she was feeling. "O, I need to get through that door. Bellamy is counting on us, They're all counting on us." Clarke wasn't listening as she pulled out a gun and faced it towards the door. Berlins eyes moved to her and she stepped in front of it, "Don't even think about it, Clarke. The minute you do that, our people are dead."

"Well, what do you want from me?" Clarke asked her with the gun still up, she was desperate to save her people.

"You trusted Lexa!" Berlin shouted at her, letting her anger out, "You let a bomb drop on Tondc. People died, Clarke! My dad almost died. You let all those people..."

Clarke dropped the gun in frustration, "I am doing the best I can!"

"Yeah? Well, it's not good enough." Berlin snapped at Clarke which made it all go silent as the other two watched the scene.

Beeping was heard behind them and the door swung open. Bellamy was the first face they all saw. "Oh, Bellamy." Octavia walked forward and hugged her brother. Berlin felt like she could finally breath when he looked past his sisters shoulder at her. Octavia let go of him and spoke to Jasper but Berlin didn't hear, she ran straight to Bellamy and dove into his waiting arms.

"You're okay." Berlin's voice cracked as she felt those familiar arms wrapped around her as if she was gonna disappear. "I thought-"

"I'm okay. We're both okay." He whispered in her ear as his eyes closed so he could get lost in this brief moment. Bellamy pulled back, his arms coming up to her cheeks as she stared up at him, his own eyes examining her. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers in a passionate deep kiss that left the both of them speechless.

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