chapter 4

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After four weeks of diligent work, I've managed to steer clear of encounters with our esteemed leader. However, it seems misfortune has taken a liking to me as the notorious troublemaker, Margret, has been tailing me relentlessly. At the ungodly hour of 5 am, she wasted no time in gracing me with her presence, firing off inquiries like, "Don't you think you deserve a raise?" only to follow it up with a charming comment about the potential benefits of facial surgery for my, as she so eloquently put it, "hideous witch face." Margret's antics are a constant headache, but in comparison, Mark—the overly friendly colleague—seems like a saint, though his attempts to get too close are a bit unnerving.

As my Monday at the office finally drew to a close, I found myself slouching from exhaustion, unable to stifle a yawn. This job was truly draining me. Just when I thought I could escape unscathed, there he was, like a specter from the past, appearing out of nowhere. "We didn't have a proper farewell last time, did we? Seems like you've found yourself in quite the predicament," he remarked, catching me off guard. Not again. It had been four weeks of blissful avoidance, so why now? I plastered on a fake smile, desperately trying to appear composed. "Ah, yes, terribly sorry about that. I was in a rush, you see. Had something urgent to attend to," I replied, internally pleading for him not to pry further. But of course, as luck would have it, he did. "As your superior, I believe it's only fitting to inquire about your sudden disappearance," he pressed, sending a shiver down my spine. Panic set in as I scrambled for an excuse. "Uh, well, I, uh, went to... to find my friend! Yes, Margret, that's it. I was trying to locate Margret!" I stammered, hoping my feeble attempt at deception would suffice.

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