chapter 6

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As we stepped out of the office building, Lumin and I couldn't help but giggle at the memory of Margaret's hilarious reaction to the joke Lumin had cracked earlier. Lumin had told Margaret that her nose was so big that if she ever backstroked in a pool, the lifeguard would have to evacuate everyone because there was a shark in the pool. Margaret's expression had been priceless, and we couldn't stop laughing about it.

Lumin was a strikingly beautiful woman with an exotic look, thanks to her mixed French and Japanese heritage. However, she confided in me that she had grown up mostly in France with her mother after her parent's divorce, so her knowledge of the Japanese language was limited.

As we walked down the street, I mentioned to Lumin that I had been practicing my French on Duolingo recently, and we bonded over our shared love for language learning. We chatted for a while, getting to know each other better, and Lumin even revealed that Margaret had been getting on her nerves lately with her ear bleeding yapping. I felt relieved to know that I wasn't the only one who found Margaret's endless monologues

As we parted ways, Lumin surprised me by handing me her phone number and inviting me to check out a new café down the street with her. I was thrilled at the prospect of making a new friend, especially since I didn't know many people in the area.

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