chapter 5 Riptide

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*Our story opens up in the water kingdom, a beautiful city next to the sea, in the very castle home of the royal family of water itself lives River, eldest princess of the royal family*

River: *I was in my bedroom looking at my text messages*

(River texting: I'll be there soon just hang on)

(???: well hurry up the show is tonight remember)

(River texting: I know that, you realize how long it takes me to get all this stuff on, besides riptide never misses her own show)

*Once she was finished texting she set down her phone and takes out some greenish hair dye, paint and some makeup*

River: let's get this show on the road River, or should I say Riptide *I smiled as I started applying the dye in my hair changing it from its natural blue color to green, similar to how some water draconians have so my identity would not be noticable on, once I was finished with that I began painting on my wings and tails to hide my scales natural color as well*

Lapis: *knocks on the door* Hey, are you there?

River: shit- um not now Lapis I'm busy!

*Lapis was Rivers little sister, only a few years younger than she is, River had not told her of her secret life as Riptide and she hasn't told her parents either and she wants to keep it that way for good reasons*

Lapis: come on what could you be doing *I open the door and froze when seeing River and how her hair and scales were different* um…-

River: *shoots water at the door shutting it behind her and covers her mouth* shhh! I told you I was busy!

Lapis: *pushes her hand away* River why is your hair and scales green mom would kill you if she caught you looking like that

River: I was just…trying it to see how it looks? *I smiled nervously*

Lapis: you are a terrible liar sis

River: … promise to keep a secret?

Lapis: of course

River: *I take a deep breath and I tie my hair* Lapis….I am Riptide…

Lapis: *my eyes widen from pure shock*

River: um..


River: shhh!!! Are you trying to alert the whole kingdom about it!

Lapis: oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! Your songs are the best! I never knew you had such a great singing voice! Man wait till my friends find out they will be jealous-

River: *covers her mouth* no you are not telling anyone

Lapis: *pushes her hand away again* oh come on why not!?

River: do you realize how much trouble I would be in, our parents would freak if they found out I am Riptide, why do you think I have an alternate name, they would never have let me do this it already sucks being the future queen when I want to live my own life 

Lapis: oh..can I come to your concert?

River: what?

Lapis: I never got to go before

River: no

Lapis: why not?

River: It's hard enough to tell our parents I'm gonna be gone for the night. What do I say about you!?

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