Chapter 1

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The girl had woken up in a cold, metalic and accelerating elevator, consumed in the darkness with just a faint light emitting from an unknown source. She jolted up, dumbfounded yet somehow the accelerating elevator wasn't the part that scared her the most.

It was the fact she couldnt even remember her own name.

She didn't know anything about herself or anyone else that was or is in her life. Whats her name? She didn't know. Her age? She didn't know that either. Her parents? She doesnt even know if she has any. She got to her feet, a hand on the elevator wall to keep herself on her feet steadily and glanced around trying to spot anything before looking up at the ceiling as she noticed she could see a caged door of some sorts up ahead where the elevator was heading towards and the closer it got, the more panicked she felt.

She turned her head in all directions, trying to spot something like a button or lever she could use to make the elevator come to a stop but she saw nothing at all, just crates and boxes and bags and scattered clothes. She felt her heart pounding faster as she started slamming her palm on the elevator wall and yelled out as loud as she could over the intense noise of the elevator.

" HEY! HEY PLEASE STOP THE ELEVATOR!! HELLO?!? " She continued screaming before suddendly, the elevator shook and stilled, causing her to drop to the floor at the unexpected and quick stop as a blaring alarm rung around outside. The room had flashed to a crimson red colour before turning green with a click, then everything went black but the noisy alarm still rung. She could hear it since the elevator was still and silent so she stayed still and silent too, fearfully glancing at the ceiling and seemingly waiting for death to await once the door opened but when they did, she thought she was already in heaven. The alarm stopped and a blinding light shone right into her eyes, getting bigger and bigger with the doors opening and made it feel like she was staring at the sun itself so she had no choice but to squint and cover her face with her hand to allow her to see who or what was on the top. At first, she had only seen a few dark shadows standing on the edge of the elevator but then as her eyes adjusted to the light that had nearly blinded her moments before, she could make out what...or rather who they were. It was a group of roughly 20-25 boys all surrounding the top of the elevator as they peered down at her and all their faces seemed shocked, surprised and some even scared of her. They all looked between ages 12 to no higher than 19 and she felt disturbed by them.

She slowly lowered her hand and looked at them, panic surging thorugh her body and she wondered why anyone would want to send her here and what were these boys going to do with her. Had they requested her to be here? By their reactions to seeing her sitting there and the odd whispering and murmuring from them, she guessed not and that they were just as confused as she was as to why she was there but after a while, one of the guys had stepped up and jumped down onto a box before leaning in, closing the distance between them as she stared at the boy in astonishment. He looked around 17 or 18 with short brown hair, tips spiking up as his brows were furrowed and wierdly shaped, his expression seeming angry almost as he spoke with his voice smooth yet blunt and sharp.

" hey newbie, what are you doing here? " The boy gave her a tightlipped smile, as if trying to be nice but he seemed to be the one most suspicious of her than any of the others. She was about to give him a reply but then someone else spoke for her, cutting her thoughts off.

" lay off Gally, just pull her out and lets get her to the Med-jacks. " This disembodied voice from above them had a british accent and was much more friendly sounding and softer than Gallys as he frowned and grabbed the girl by her arm, to which she squirmed a bit but his grip was that of iron while he pulled her up to her feet in a swift motion and then went up, making sure she followed along and she did, not wanting the guy to hate her even more than he already seems to. She stepped up on a box pressed up against the wall of the elevator and as she was about to jump up, Gally yanked her up harshly as she stumbled on her feet before stepping to the side, bumping into a guy and her eyes widened when she looked around. There werent just 20-25 boys there, there were over 50 and they were all staring at her with the same wierd expressions. She felt her body shuffle away from them slowly but suddendly, 2 guys walked up to her and began to lead her away towards a wooden building up ahead as it was 2 stories high and seemed to be put together in a rush yet it deemed sturdy.

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