unbelievable believes

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" so ? What were you willing to tell me? And what's up with that praying thingy?" Taehyung questioned the brunette once he had finally let him in , but not without making him beg for it. Jeongguk was now sitting on Taehyung's bed with Taehyung sitting opposite to him.

" Well... actually I am dead" jeongguk stated and waited for Taehyung to make a comment like ' yeah and I am shakira' or something like ' quit yo act and get out' but none of them never came.... instead it was a " ok and?". Jeongguk looked at the boy , being quite baffled and amused. Was the boy in his right mind? If yes, then why ain't he freaking out right now.

" That's....all you have gotta say?" Jeongguk questioned, to which Taehyung just nodded and nudged his head towards him as a sign to continue. Jeongguk was seriously questioning his non existent existence by now. What's was up with that weird ass boy?

" Uh so...I...am dead and you are sitting infront of a ghost right now btw..." Jeongguk tried again and let Taehyung sink that in. He yet again waited for a yell of surprise or fear or Literally anything but a yell. "  That's cool bruh I get it. Get over it yeah?" Taehyung said while looking at jeongguk with a disgusted expression on his face.  By now jeongguk have had enough of the disrespect the boy had for ghosts. " YAH! HOW ARE YOU NOT SCARED OF ME HUH!? I AM A GHOST! BOOO!" jeongguk lashed out at the unbothered  boy out of frustration.

" aniyoo, I get It that you are a ghost and I am not scared because it's not my first time encountering one ok? " Taehyung reasoned and patted jeongguk's shoulder to console him a bit and assuring him that he was still having his reputation as a ghost.

" So! Tell me how did you die?" Taehyung questioned, trying to lighten up the mood and making jeongguk sure that he believes him. Jeongguk looked up at him with a sad smile and said " well ...I....don't actually remember how I died....it's just a blur of face and fog" jeongguk said with a tear slipping his eyes.

" I...I just remember that I was called...in the parking lot of a building and then the rest is blurred" he tried to express. Taehyung was looking at him with understanding eyes and questioned " why do you need my help?" .
Jeongguk looked at him as if contemplating that should he tell Taehyung his motive of taking to him or not? But decided to do that anyways.

" I need your help to be a soul of heaven" jeongguk said. Taehyung just loked at him and then on his lap as if he was thinking hard about something. Jeongguk on the other hand thought that Taehyung was not gonna help him and was thinking of a way to get rid of him so jeongguk decided to not force him and was about to say 'its ok ...you don't have to imma just go....bye' but was abruptly cut off by Taehyung .

" Ok so...this seems like you died in the parking lot of the building....hmm...and since everything is a blue after that which means that you have started loosing your memories....if we don't hurry, you will also forget that you were once alive and become a lost soul...." Taehyung stated.
He looked up at jeongguk who was full on weeping by now making Taehyung panic and hold his shoulders.

" Hey! What happened?" Taehyung questioned. Jeongguk wiped his tears with his palms like a kid and looked up at tae with his big Bambi eyes " I...I never thought that you would actually help me..." He said making Taehyung laugh at his cuteness.

" It's ok ig....but now we should sleep. We have a lot of investigation to do tomorrow" and with that Taehyung layed on the bed and covered himself with his comforter where as jeongguk just went under the bed to sleep....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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