Chapter 2

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You were sitting on the chair, still inside the youngest seraphim's bedroom. You head was rested on the round table as you were weeping yourself like a cry baby. Well, nothing tragic, just a minor issue.. of yourself, and your relationships with the others since you'll be technically disappear for a month.

"Alright, Y/n.. it'll be fine.." Emily tried comforting you after your mental breakdown an hour ago. The best thing she's been doing is rubbing your back and hugging you, not saying anything since she doesn't really know any decent words to say without you 'zapping' yourself and started panicked again.

The white hair took a deep breath, as she tried to figure out to settle that very problem her friend is facing. So there she goes convincing herself again that the 13th time is a charm. She approached you again and started by tapping your shoulder, before she spoke softly. "I know! How about you tell me who are the people you always talk to? Maybe I can make up an excuse and gave them a notice that you'll be unavailable."

Then just like that, the dramatic sobbing immediately stopped. As your head lifted up at her. That's actually a brilliant idea! You thought to yourself. You sniffled loudly, trying to take a clear breath. You probably guessed that you look like crap right now. But hey, just like the advertisement of the recent beauty product once said; in heaven, no one is ugly.

"Hang on a second." You said as you grabbed another tissue from the tissue box.



Finally blowing up your nose, you threw the tissue into the dust bin nearby, that is now looks like a mountain of tissue because of you. You then cleared your throat before taking out something from your pocket, a small paper. Emily guessed it was your schedule, since you're the neat type of person, and prioritize discipline when you're alone.

It was until you untie a ribbon around the paper, the rest of them scrolled down and rolled down onto the floor. The end of the paper's edge hit the wall. The seraphim watched this in flabbergasted, jaw dropping, she was too stunned to speak after seeing how long the paper is. Is that your schedule, or a request letter not to give you a death sentence? She got confused.

On the other hand, you were clearing your throat, before reading them out loud for her to listen;

"Alright, so- every day, I talk to your from morning until near afternoon about work related or hanging out. After that, I would be going to the military force for exorcist meeting, which is after this later. And then around the evening, I would spend time with Molly, we would go shopping or spa, between those as always." You were about to continue when you scrolled down your eyes to read the next activity of your routine. And surprisingly, Emily did listen to you rambling about your schedule, she was rather impressed.

"Hmm.. ah! Lastly I would go spend my time with Mrs. Arthur until night, and it would be either I stay over the night at her house or I just go back to my home. And.. that's all!"

You then folded the paper again before shoving them inside your pocket, satisfied and proud of yourself for telling the rest of schedule to your friend. Emily had the same face expression like you, since she was honestly glad that you chose to spend your time with the people you cherished in heaven. Well- minus the exorcist.

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