Volume Three: New Love Old Setback

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In the quiet of the night, under the starlit sky,
There lived a man named Devin, with a heart so shy.
He walked through life with a gentle grace,
But in matters of love, he couldn't find his place.

He longed for a love that was pure and true,
But his past held him back, like a heavy, old shoe.
He knew what he wanted, he understood her well,
But his words failed him, like a distant bell.

Devin would watch her from afar,
His heart beating fast, like a shooting star.
He wanted to speak, to express his love,
But the words wouldn't come, like a hand in a glove.

He knew she deserved more, someone who could talk,
But his past haunted him, like an old, ticking clock.
He had been hurt before, his trust betrayed,
And now he was afraid, to let his feelings cascade.

But love, like a river, flows ever on,
And soon Devin found himself drawn,
To her warmth, her smile, her loving gaze,
And he knew he had to break free from his old ways.

He mustered his courage, he took a deep breath,
And finally, he spoke, conquering his fear of death.
He told her his story, his hopes, his dreams,
And in that moment, nothing was as it seems.

For she listened with love, with understanding eyes,
And she saw the real Devin, not the one in disguise.
She took his hand, she held it tight,
And she whispered softly, "It'll be alright."

And so, Devin found love, in the most unexpected way,
And he learned that sometimes, you just have to say,
What's in your heart, no matter how hard it may seem,
For love is worth it, like a beautiful dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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