Chapter 16

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Hey guys, we need to talk about the black river wolf tribe.
they all turn serious and i go into familiar mode and they listen to me i want revenge and we should wipe them out i say
but how sangye asks
bai di please tell me about the tribe i ask
It's a big tribs 3 times as big as ours but it is split. The main tribes are the horse and wolf tribe but they fight a lot.

oke i have an idea i say and look at them.
if we can unite with the wild horse tribe you'll have a chance to defeat the black river wolf tribe.i say

That's a good idea.The question is how do we get the wild horse tribe to agree to join us? Shuang Yun asks. After all, we are also a wolf tribe.

I grin. i have a plan but i need to ask you sangye..
what is it makio?
Can we have the cristale? I will make sure you get it back.
Of course makio is yours to have.
thank you i say.
show this to the chief it has high value and say that we had many of these but they were stolen buy the wolf tribe and if they help they can plunder them and we get the food and supplies back and when they find out there are non there we say that the black river wolf tribe must have used them all and they don't have prove that we lied so we can not be held accountable what do you guys think i ask

it is a good idea shuang yun says
very cunning bai di says
of course i am a kitsune after all i say and smite

then we will go there soon and say that. and then fight, Shuang Yun says.
I will come, I say.
you cant they all say.
what why i ask
you are pregnant now we have to be careful.
i get angry at this this is what it is always like i think
careful? i say don't you guys see that what you are doing is hurting me.
what? bai di asks
i am a familiar every time you get hurt or i do something wrong i get punished and you guys are talking about fighting in a war like it is nothing, i exist to take orders one command and i kill anyone, you could order me to kill the whole black river wolf tribe and they be dead tomorrow i say. don't you guys understand that I want to help and fight? It is fun and I am meant to do it. Just give me the order and they are dead. Use me, I am your sharpest weapon so use me! i shout
miko shuang yun says
NO I shout , don't tell me that it is to keep me safe because I am not useless. I will become the witch doctor soon and I am the strongest of the familiars. I can do anything you want so use me!
i then shut my mouth (i just let that slip when in familiar mode shit)
I am sorry, I say quickly. I didn't mean to yell. It is just with the pregnancy and everything that I am out of control. Please forgive me.

it's fine makio, bai di says.
I feel pain abruptly from my body but I keep it hidden.

I feel the grip lift and I stand up. I will go make dinner now, I say (shit) . I think as chains wrap around my leg, I will go now I say and leave to the kitchen.

sangye pov

i keep forgetting that she is a familiar i say
we do too they say
so we have just been hurting her huh?
we should have known bai di says
is she alright shuang yun asks
what do you think? bai di asks
no i mean now shuang yun says
i don't think so as a chain did just wrap around her i say.
huh what do you mean they ask.
it is a punishment i say.
how do you know bai di asks.
I asked for the punishment list.
do you still have it bai di asks
Yes, I say and get up and grab it. I show it to them and their eyes go wide.
this is horrible shuang yun says.
it is i say.
we should include her in the attack i say
but- shuang yun says
she can stay here and when we start the attack we can summon her as a familiar of ours in her beast form i say
that could work bai di says
she enjoys it i say
enjoy what? bai di asks
fighting i mean she is happy when doing it, the same when she does our requests as her masters.she is insane and obsessed with doing thing for us so i think we should give her more requests and should use her more i say
i get that but what do you mean she is insane! shuang yun says
her eyes she was created to do things and that makes me wonder what happened and how was she created or was she always like this? I say and walk away. Oh before I go dont go to her now. I don't think she wants us to see her in such a state and then I leave.
leaving the other two to think about it all and wonder how she was made.

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