Personal note of Doctor Izabela Valdez number 073

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So we've already moved on to testing on humans? Wow, that was pretty fast. Well, we've started recruiting potential volunteers. We already have our first volunteer, Agent Spencer. I actually expected you to be the first. I know this guy. At least I figured it out a few days ago. My psychology lecturer would describe it as, and I quote here; "The narcissistic and cynical school bully who goes to the gym every day to hit you harder every time he feels like it." How I feel sorry for him during his adolescence, since he discussed this topic in almost every lecture. But back. I do not know what to think about it. It doesn't matter whether it's about testing on humans or one of the potential "superhumans" will be this creep from the interview. Let's start with the human experiments themselves. This is... a strange feeling... I've never conducted experiments on humans - this incident in Congo doesn't count - It's a really strange feeling. Besides, these will be our people, not degenerates and other recidivists who are sent to various centers as guinea pigs so that they can at least serve society and the human race in this way. But now I'm actually starting to feel some concerns. Let alone the fact that this project is secret and if I cause the death of a son or daughter, or generally a relative of some senior figure in an organization who will not let go of the mysterious disappearance of a member of his family. While Agent Spencer has literally no one, he is an orphan from the Agoga Program and a social outcast with no girlfriends, or wife and kids. He's perfect, but what if the perfect candidate turns out to be someone like that? No... I can't think about it. Besides, that bastard Spencer... Why does someone like that... No, he still has bad thoughts. I can't worry about it. I'm a fucking professional, and so is Spencer, so even if he gets this power, he probably shouldn't. No, enough of this Iza. You're thinking too much in the wrong direction.

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