Personal note of Dr. John Mills Number 013

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It's been a month since I joined the Renaissance Project. It was quite strange. One day you are working on a biological weapon that turns healthy cells into cancerous cells, and the next you are approached by intelligence agents threatening you with death if you refuse to participate in the UW's secret project. Honestly, it's pretty weird, even by Tenebris standards. Well, they actually pay twice now, so it's actually cool. The only problem was that crazy doctor from the Czech Republic who was yelling at Keller for no reason. Almost like my mother just because I left my fleece on the couch for a second. A bit psycho in my opinion. This Project is definitely not good. You can see it in him. He begins to descend into the abyss of madness. The Renaissance is his obsession, which grows every day. God, if only he didn't fall all the way down. Yesterday, for example, I saw him walking to the vending machine at night, holding a clipboard in his hands with some notes he was filling out. Seriously, this guy is slowly losing his life to this crap. The worst thing is that a few more scientists are slowly starting to share this obsession. If only I hadn't caught it.

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