Let me share dreams with you (ONE)

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"You really think so?" Said the mouse like fox. The orange eyed furry stopped for a second. Said "Yeah, there's possibilities of it." As a response. Maybe the woman was right, all she can do is try and see what happens; if it's an approve or the opposite.

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Early morning; the shine of the sun filled the windows of her room with the noises of birds chirping with the warmth of the bedroom. clock reaching its second to chime with a loud ringing noise came out of the clock.
With a groan the turquoise fox shifts; smacking the clock off. blinking her eyes open as she stretches, she rises out of bed; starting her day.

Brushed teeth, check. Warm quick shower, check. Outfit, check. What's left is actually heading to the university—


Her phone rang a notification, who could possibly text in an early morning? The sun isn't fully set! Picking up her phone, she opened the message.

"Hello students! We would like to inform you that the bus has been cancelled today due to the weather's switches causing an outcome to the vehicle. The university is still open so be sure to come on time.

Awesome. Now i have to walk to school.

— — — — — — —
After what seems hours she reached the entrance of the huge university; it was crowded, super crowded. seems like she was late. and now, in middle of the line with everyone else.

finally, and i mean finally, she reaches through the doors; rushing to her class obviously she was very late to the class already. walking through the long stairs of stardust shining with each step her shoes took. she reached the door to her class; opening it. Looking around


There's just five students.

Almost all the tables are empty and first of all; wheres the teacher? Wheres the whole "your late" session? she looked around spotting zion, all by himself writing in his notebook. At least theres someone she knows.
walking to his desk; she sat beside him causing his feline senses to react, "hey! Wheres Galaxy?" He looked at her before responding;

"huh? Oh—! uh, shes in math class." he said, clearing his throat.

The two coloured eyed girl just hummed; tapping the table with her right paw. "Huh.. thought we all had the same schedule?"
"Yeah, had. She switched with Rose to focus on math; her grades are down bad." the female furry places her arms on the desk resting her head on between them. "Wheres the teacher anyway? She's never that late." she says quietly, the cat stared down at her chuckling "she's absent, thought you caught that up already." She raises her head looking at his note "What are you writing?" He panics, "woah! Hey-hey! Private..-Stuff!" He closes the notebook with a panicked red face. "Come ON, i thought we said no more secrets between us!"

"Oh yeah? Then tell me; what was the deal between you and rosaria and then i will show you." The fox went quiet. The cat's face softened, frowning.

"I'm sorry." says the feline; placing his paw on top of her's " i shouldn't have said that." he stopped for a moment "i just... it's private stuff." it went quiet; it felt like hours.

shes mad isn't she.

"is there any way i can make it up to you?" He asked. Her ears perked up "well.. if you say it that way theres one thing i want."

"i cant bring you to the studio."

She groans. "Oh come on! Why not?" he looked at her "because its my father's! I can't just bring people because 'i want to'! Sure i want to make it up to you but you can't ask me for the impossible." She thought for a minute, getting a new idea. "How about a sleepover? We can do it at my house so your father doesn't keep nagging about it!" "I can't go to others houses. Father calls it 'dangerous'. So it's either his business or i stay at home or the studio."

it will take a moment to decide for this. but, it will work right?

"How about your house?"

"you do know he doesn't like people coming to our home."

"It's not like he will notice! He's 24/7 modelling designs, we don't have to wander around; stay at your room. Reminder: you said you will make it up to me, didn't you?"

he went quiet, before sighing.

"Fine. I'll send you the information." He says, taking his SC pen; closing the screen.

...he agreed?

Hello! This is Amelia, yes yes; AKA s.weetlyx, etc etc. so if it wasn't obvious enough for you gems: this chapter is split into parts. To feed you while you wait for the other meals you are waiting. To keep up with it; OR check my arts and crafts such as animations or the process of writing, check my Instagram! Its s.weetlyx. And on your way; leave some comments! I love reading them.

- 2AM

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