livestream (dahyun)

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You all just finished dance practice and were relaxing in the practice room, spread all over the place. You were laying on the couch, scrolling on your phone to catch up on what you missed.

"Hey, should we go live?" Nayeon asked suddenly.  "I mean, we can. We haven't gone live in a while," Jihyo replied. Others cheerfully agreed and began to get settled around the phone set up in the middle of the room.

You, however, still laid on the couch before you felt a pillow being thrown at you.

"Y/N! Come on! We're about to start!" A voice yelled out to you. You grunted in return, "Hey! Ugh, I'm coming, Dahyun!" 

Dahyun giggled and turned around in her seat to face the phone again. "You can sit by me," she said as you made your way towards everyone. She patted the chair beside her and you smiled as you sat down. Jeongyeon was watching you two as she started smirking, knowing the actual  reasons as to why Dahyun wanted you to sit there that were unknown to you.

"Okay, we're on in three, two..." "Hello! We are Twice!" You all said in unison. "How are you guys doing today? We just finished dance practice for our new comeback and decided to speak with our fans because we missed you!" Jihyo exclaimed.

As everyone chattered around, answering questions that the fans had asked, you and Dahyun were in your own little world. She was unknowingly messing with your hand and drawing shapes on it. This was a natural thing between the two of you, as you both were very comfortable around one other and were very touchy. You hadn't realized that it may have looked suspicious when you would smile at each other and whisper in each other's ears without paying mind to anyone else.

"Dahyun and Y/N? What about them?" Momo asked as she read a comment mentioning you both. Everyone turned their attention towards you two and noticed how close you were compared to the other girls.

You looked back, confused, "Hm? What?" Sana shook her head, laughing, "Nothing, it's just that you guys haven't said anything to the live yet. You've just been looking at each other the whole time!" 

You started to turn red and rolled your eyes to hide your embarrassment. Dahyun, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity to make fun of you, "Y/N probably just has a crush on me. Don't make fun of her."

You gasped and your jaw dropped slightly, "What?! I-I do not-" Mina laughed and saw the live going crazy at this event. "Calm down, we're just joking with you," she told you as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder and moved your head to lay on her shoulder. "We didn't mean it."

Dahyun's smile slowly disappeared as she noticed how cozy you and Mina were getting. She just wanted to see how you would react if she mentioned if you had a crush on her, not for you to go to another girl, nonetheless be in her arms.

She cleared her throat and crossed her arms, visibly looking irritated. You glanced over and wondered why Dahyun was getting annoyed so quickly, but decided to push it aside to focus on the chat.

This continued on for about 45 minutes and you ended up interacting with the fans and talking with the other members about past concerts and funny moments you all experienced together. As it began to get late, it was time to end the stream and head home.

"Bye, everyone! Thank you all for coming and spending time with us, we had so much fun! See you soon!" You said before getting up to end the live and turning to face the girls with a smile. "That was so exciting to talk to ONCE again. We should do that more often."

They agreed and your ride to your apartment had arrived a few minutes after. You said your farewells to the girls, exchanging hugs before reaching Dahyun last. After that mini incident earlier, she was very avoidant of your looks directed to her and didn't look at you once.

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