car rides (momo)

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Momo was listening to music on her phone while you sat beside her with your head against the window. You both sat in the back row, with an empty space in the middle.

You had just finished a showcase of your recent comeback and was very tired. Your eyes began to close, but you couldn't sleep well because of your head bumping from the road.

Momo took notice of this and decided to take matters into her own hands. She scooted over to the middle and put a hand on yours, which was on your lap.

"Come here," she instructed and gestured towards her shoulder.

You weren't fully awake yet and weren't processing everything, so you listened and leaned onto her shoulder. You felt her adjust herself to make it more comfortable, causing you to whine.

Momo giggled and whispered, "Calm down, I'm not going anywhere."

She felt you smile in your sleep and lean more into her neck.

Momo loved to take care of you, and this moment  alone just made her fall for you more. You had always been flirty behind the scenes, but being in the same group always messed up anything from happening further.

A while passed and you all were finally at your dorm. You felt a hand lightly shake you awake. "Y/N, wake up. We're here."

You groaned and grabbed your belongings before placing your forehead onto Momo's shoulder. "Thank you for being here. I love you."

Momo perked up upon hearing that and glanced down to notice your eyes were closed once again and your lips were slightly parted.

She sighed to herself and asked your manager to help carry her out. They both successfully managed to pull you up so you were standing on your feet. "Y/N, come on, we're literally right outside. You're not drunk," Momo grumbled, as she was also tired herself and upset that you never finished your sentence.

You blinked your eyes open and looked up towards Momo, "You're mad?" Momo looked down and saw that you were genuine. "Huh? No! I'm just saying it's better to sleep on a bed than the car, and I don't want to carry you all the way." You smiled, "I wouldn't mind though." Momo rolled her eyes, although she was secretly blushing underneath. "Whatever. Hurry up."

You smiled and were a little more awake now. You had your bags and shuffled up to your dorm with Momo close behind. You entered the elevator and Momo pushed the button to your floor.

"Where's the other girls?" You asked, breaking the silence. "They're already inside and asleep. I let you stay in the car for ten more minutes." You nodded, "You didn't have to. You should've just left me." "I told you I wasn't going anywhere."

You made eye contact with her and it was your turn to blush, looking from her eyes to her lips. Before things could get awkward, the elevator beeped and slid open. Momo let you out first and you walked to the door, unlocking it with your key.

You entered and took your shoes off before turning around to face Momo. "So, goodnight?" You cleared your throat as you said this, the tension still existing upon the elevator scene. She nodded with a smile, "Goodnight."

You bit your lip and stood frozen. This night was unlike any other for some reason. You both felt something different between the two of you and you didn't know why.

"Actually-" "Wait I-" You both said simultaneously, interrupting each other. You giggled and let her go first, "You go, what were you saying?"

Momo took a deep breath before swallowing, "Do you want to, maybe, stay in my room for the night? It's late and I want you to stay with me. In case something happens." You grinned, "Something happens?" Momo looked down, "Well! You never know..." You moved closer and grabbed her hand, pulling her to follow you.

You entered her room and closed the door behind you. "If you wanted to sleep with me, you could've just said that." Momo's eyes shot open and quickly exclaimed, "What?! I don't want to sleep with you! I just wanted to-" You laughed and plopped onto her bed, getting cozy under the sheets. "I meant like having a sleepover. Also sorry, I'm too tired to change."

Momo exhaled and got into bed beside you. "Go to sleep then." You turned to face her and wrapped an arm over her stomach. "Okay."

Momo was glad the lights were off and it was pitch black in her room, or else you would've made fun of how red she was currently.

Moments passed and you were lying in silence, thinking the other fell asleep.

"I meant it earlier," you suddenly said. "Hm?" You tightened your hold, "When I said I love you."

Momo put her hand on yours, "Don't joke around." You laid onto her chest. "I'm not. Is that okay?"

She nodded and you heard her let out a sound. "I love you too."

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