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Sooo, pretty much everyone knows that the introduction of the light fury caused some very heated debates within the fandom after its release in the third HTTYD movie. I'm going to give my opinion on the species and its overall impact on the movie.

Again, these are my opinions, so I completely understand if you don't agree with them, BUT, please keep the comments section civil.

Let's begin!

Firstly, can we please talk about her design?!?!?!

Like bro, why you gotta make another sparkly feminine fairy-princess? I understand these movies are aimed at children, thus, have been pretty much ingrained into the trope of elegant, beautiful, feminine princesses/female characters

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Like bro, why you gotta make another sparkly feminine fairy-princess? I understand these movies are aimed at children, thus, have been pretty much ingrained into the trope of elegant, beautiful, feminine princesses/female characters. But still, at least make her less feminine. I could've dealt with a sparkly glitter beluga whale so long as it didn't explicitly show any obvious feminine traits.

I will not say that the light fury isn't beautiful (because she is, colour-wise), but I'm pretty sure that the fandom would've preferred, a million times over, another night fury as a mate for Toothless.

And to counter the argument about how the directors believed that fans wouldn't be able to distinguish between Toothless and another night fury...DIFFERENCES IN PHYSICAL FEATURES EXIST, PEOPLE.

How hard would it have been to add a couple of scars or change up the physique of another dragon? Or, if that was all too difficult, how hard would it have been to create a different shade of green for the eye colour? I would've liked a warrior-princess dragon whose fierce and enigmatic personality would've captivated Toothless equally the same, rather than some sparkly beluga whale that enchanted Toothless because of her beauty.

Furthermore, some people say that 'Oh, the light fury saved Toothless so many times and practically saved the future of dragons!' and things like 'Oh, the light fury was equally infatuated with Toothless, as it can be seen when she follows him everywhere!" Excuse me, but this could've happened exactly the same if there was another night fury in the plot. It's just like how if the characters of a book doesn't mean that the plot will change. The plot could've stayed exactly the same, if not had an even better upgrade if Toothless's mate was a night fury.

Also, can we please talk about how cute it would've been to see miniature Toothless's running around? Like seriously, I would've killed to see baby night furies in the movie.

Personally, I don't really get the hype over light furies (except their beauty, but I dislike that as well, seeing the directors followed more of a 'traditional fairytale approach') but feel free to convince me otherwise.

Thoughts on the Light fury?

Love y'all

- Nightmare

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