Chapter 1: The rumors?

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You heard all the rumors about the biggest guy in here. You never believed a single one of them because they all seemed ridiculous.

You managed to make some friends
In here and guess what they were talking about at lunch. You guessed it. The rumors.  (These are characters I made up).

"I heard he was a cannibal!" Ricky said eating his pudding. "No way! I heard he's a cult leader and sacrifices animals and stuff like that." Ally said with a pout.

"Y/n what do you think about this?" Your friend Lucas asked. "I don't know exactly but I don't think he's as scary as you guys are making him out to be." You said getting up to throw away your lunch.

The rest of lunch was filled with laughter and jokes until you all had to go back to your cells. You layed on your bed and began to think.
'I wonder who he actually is? I kinda wanna visit him.. damn I've really lost it huh?.. If I'm going to do this I'm gonna do it right.'

You thought for hours of ways to do it but you couldn't think of anything because there were always guards at the doors guarding the entrance. You could wait til nighttime, everyone was expected to be in their cells so guards didn't patrol as much and even better there was no security in front guarding his doors.

Yes that was it! However there was one problem. The cell doors get locked and there's no way to get out of it unless you have a key or lock pick. Getting a key of one of the guards was impossible since they all always had guns on them. A lock pick was easier to get since all you had to do was trade something of value.

There came another issue, lock picks came at a hefty price since not a lot of people could make or smuggle them in. But surely if you got one you could try to sneak in when everyone asleep. But what did you have to trade of value?

You'll look into it more in the morning. For now you need to get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.

You woke up to your roommates snoring. You wish she'd try to look into it, to fix her problem. But you guess it's none of your business.

You went to breakfast and sat with your friends. "Hey Ricky! Do you know of anyone who I can buy a lock pick from?" You ask enthusiastically. "Yeah but why? You tryna bust out of here?" He chuckled.  "Not exactly. But can you tell me who I can get them from?" You questioned.

"Sure! You can buy them from black Tom Cassidy, but be careful you never know what the price might be. Not when it comes to him." Ricky explained

"Thank you so much Ricky!" You said happily. You knew who you were gonna have to talk to later and though you weren't thrilled about it, if you wanted to meet this guy you had to do what you had to do.

It was time finally and the moment you've been waiting for. A chance to talk to black Tom Cassidy. You approached him his gang with a calm attitude because you knew if you showed any signs of anything that was it for you. They'd terrorize you everyday just like they've done to others.

"Hey Tom, I need to talk to you." You said nonchalantly. "And what is it you need from me little fish?" He asked. "I need to buy a lock pick from you." You answered

"A lock pick you say! Well little fish those aren't cheap." He exclaimed as he got up and began to circle around you. You began to nervously sweat as you chest clenched tightly not knowing what's to come next.

"But I'll cut you a deal.. I'll give you the lock pick as long as you do me a favor.. any favor I ask you have to do it.." he said as he sat back down. "What's the favor?" You asked

"I haven't thought of it yet but when I do I'll let you know. So do we have a deal little fish?"

You sighed not knowing what your getting your self into. "Yes. We have a deal."

"Great! Go ahead and give the girl what she asked for.. oh and little fish! Don't think I'll forget about our little transaction.. I'll come to collect your debt soon.. bye bye little fish.." he said then proceeded to laugh creepily.

You got the lock pick then speed walked back to your friends.

You thought to yourself even more. 'Wait.. I can't visit his cell empty handed! I'm already barging Into his private space I should at least bring him something.'

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