Chapter 2: The new fish

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You were just sitting at your table during lunch time still trying to comprehend how you were going to actually do this without getting caught by one of the guards. That was when a friend you knew that worked in the kitchen approached you.

"Hey y/n here what you asked for!" She put two cupcakes on the table while smiling. Her name was Sasha and well she was a real sweetheart and said you didn't owe her anything you still gave her a shank in return.

Though you know she would never use it as she's not one to be violent it's good for trading. "Thanks a lot Sasha!" You gave her a bright smile in return. You grabbed the cupcakes and went to your cell.

You put them in a clean container you managed to steal a while back. You went back to the cafeteria and sat back down. "What was that about?" Ricky asked smugly. "Don't worry about it." You returned a smug smile.

You noticed all the heads turn as there was a loud commotion coming from another table. It was a boy who couldn't be more then 13 or 14 and a man who appeared sickly. You had heard about the man named Deadpool and his little accomplice from Lucas.

Apparently the kid was in here because he tried to kill his caretakers, while the man named Deadpool was in here for killing one of the facilities caretakers.

The man everyone knows so well as black Tom Cassidy and his gang were surrounding the boy and Deadpool or otherwise known as Wade Wilson.

You wanted to step in but you knew if you did, it would be bad news for you and your friends, plus you still owe him a favor which is let's just say not the best position to be in when it came to black Tom Cassidy. He was a wild card. He could make you give him your pudding or give him a finger.

It really was a gamble.
Nonetheless you watched it happen. The boy tried to help wade from being assaulted but ended up getting punched and knocked out.
Eventually the group left the two alone and it was lights out.

Everyone went to their cells and went to sleep, unlike you.
Looking at the cupcakes and lock pick you decided if this really was a good idea. But fuck it. You had spent all this time prepping and thinking. You even made yourself owe Black Tom Cassidy a favor.

You'll be damned if you went through all of this for nothing.
You grabbed the cupcakes, you grabbed the lock pick and began to use the lock pick on your door.
It worked and you managed to make your way down the loud steps and to the door usually always guarded at all times by the guards.

Lucky for you, you weren't spotted.
Walking very quickly and quietly, you got to the double doors that lead you to his cell. For some reason there were no locks on the doors. It's probably because they assume no one's going to try and break into the most dangerous guys cell.

And they would be right. No one in their right mind would ever do something so stupid, no one except you.

You opened the doors only to be greeted by a huge hall way leading up to his huge cell. You silently made your way to his cell. You tapped on the bars and began to speak. "Hello? Is anyone in there?" You heard no reply but some shuffling.

"Sorry I know it's kind of late, but I figured you could use some company." You still heard no reply but some more shuffling. "I brought you something," you pushed the container of cupcakes into the slot under his cell door. "I thought it would be rude to barge into your private space empty handed so I hope you like them."

You heard him quickly grab the container and start eating them. You sigh. "Ok you don't have to talk but I'm going to be here for a few minutes in case you want to." You sat down and out your back against the slot. You could tell he finished eating because he pushed the container towards you so you felt it on your back/bottom. You grab the container and stand up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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