" The Case. "

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"The sound of it was almost maniacal, echoing across the walls and bouncing back again. It was as if the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders."

Medkit, with his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel, turned it from side to side occasionally as he spoke to Sodapop. "If you ever find yourself in a situation like that again, don't hesitate to tell me or Ban. Is that clear?" he said in a firm but reassuring tone. Despite the gravity of his words, there was a sense of calm and safety in his presence that made Sodapop feel protected.

Sodapop, feeling remorseful, nodded in agreement and proceeded to cross her legs, one over the other, as she prepared to apologize to her father. "Yes, Dad," she said, her voice laced with sincerity. "I'm really sorry for making you worried." She said, looking out the window.

As Medkit leaned back against the car seat, a heavy sigh escaped his lips. The muffled vrooming sounds of the vehicle, though faint from inside, provided a strange sense of comfort. It was as if the noise was a reassuring reminder of the world outside, a world that was still moving forward despite all the challenges and difficulties. Medkit closed its eyes and tried to focus on the sound, letting its rhythm and cadence soothe his frayed nerves.

Medkit turned to Sodapop with a reassuring expression and said, "It's okay, Sodapop. You know I worry about everyone, even in phights."
Sodapop, who was sitting in the backseat, looked at Medkit with a hint of confusion in her eyes and asked, "Even the enemy team?" She seemed genuinely curious as if she had never considered the possibility of caring about the well-being of those on the opposing side.
Medkit paused for a moment, contemplating her question, before responding, "Yes, Sodapop. Even the enemy team. Everyone deserves to be safe and healthy, no matter which side they're on."

As they drove along, Sodapop paused for a moment, lost in thought. After a brief silence, she turned to Medkit and asked, "...Even Subspace?" Her question seemed to catch Medkit off guard, causing him to nearly stomp on the brakes of the car. His expression shifted, betraying a hint of surprise or perhaps even concern.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Medkit finally uttered, "No, not even Subspace." He let out a deep sigh. "I would never worry about that asshole."

As Medkit was driving down the road, the sound of his phone ringing interrupted his thoughts. He let out a heavy sigh and decided to pull into the parking lot of Boombloxx, which was Boombox's store. With a sense of reluctance, he took a moment to answer the call. He took his phone and exited the car, closing the door behind him as he took the call.

"Hello? Medkit speaking," He said, putting the phone to his (nonexistent) ear.

A distressed voice came through the phone, "Hey, this is Slingshot. Skateboard is in trouble, and we BOTH need you urgently. Can you please come here quickly?" The panic in Slingshot's voice was palpable and conveyed a sense of urgency.

Medkit paused for a moment, his mind working to process the words that Slingshot had just spoken. He shifted his gaze to Sodapop, who was sitting on the other side of the window, in the backseat, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. Despite the distance between them, he could see the worry etched onto her face as she anxiously awaited his response.

Medkit turned around and let out a deep sigh. He lifted his phone to his (nonexistent) ear and spoke in a calm and reassuring voice. "Slingshot, try to remain calm and tell me where you need me to go." His eye scanned the surroundings, looking for any clues that could help him identify the location Slingshot was referring to. Despite the urgency of the situation, Medkit remained composed, ready to provide the assistance he was trained for.

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