I want somebody to understand

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I walk down to where the nearest bookshop that is available in London's Soho. It stands high and tall before me and I squint my eyes to the grand tile, as there were words scrawled on it that said: AZ Fell and Co. I begin to smile.

Time to visit an old friend, I thought as I opened the door and heard the familiar bell ringing above me, as I entered inside. "Welcome to AZ Fell and..." A mop of curly blonde white hair that is soft as a cloud emerged from a shelf of books and there he was, Aziraphale smiling so sweetly at me.

"Oh Starbright! Hello dear. I didn't think you'd be here, so soon. " he starts to say. "Oh, its fine. I just came here to return this book." I reply. "Wonderful, my dear. Tell me, was it everything you thought it'd be? Oh, I just know it was!" he asks, excitedly. I grin from ear to ear. I love seeing him like this, so passionate at what he does and just a sweet soul. An angel.

I can't resist but to give him another smile. He has glasses perched on his nose, which means he must've done some light reading. "Yeah. I loved it. Do you think there's more for me?" I ask. "Of course, dear. You know your're my favourite customer. I don't get any new customers these days." he explains. "Maybe because you don't ever purchase them?" I ask teasingly. "Oh ha ha. Come here, dear. I think you'll love this one. Come, come..." I go around his desk as Aziraphale finds a box filled with countless of books, one of many I couldn't name.

He grabs it and gently blows the dust away. I cough at the movement, using my hand to discard the dust away from my face. He then reaches for a book, the cover showing a illustrated star in the middle. "What is it, Azi?" I ask. "This is one of my favourites, Starbright. It's called, Star dust by Neil Gaiman. I think of you when I look at this. I have a feeling you'll love it. Here." He gives it to me and I gladly take it in my hands. I look at the back to read the plot line. "Thanks, Azi. I can't wait to read this!"

He smiles as I give him a hug. Before he could pull away though, the door opens to reveal a tall figure with red hair and dark glasses.

Glasses? I thought. Who in their right minds wears glasses in the middle of the night?

"Angel?" Aziraphale perks up at this. "Crowley? Oh, I didn't expect you to be here this late." Aziraphale explains. "Yeah, well I'm here." The man with the dark glasses named Crowley, turned his attention to me. "Who's this?" he asks. "It's Starbright. Starbright Hoani." I reply, holding out my hand.

I hesitate, wondering if it was the wrong thing to do but he politely grabs my hand and shakes it. "Hey." Crowley answers. "Hi. It's nice to meet you. Are you two..." Aziraphale suddenly interrupts me. "Oh no, no. We're not..." I frown at his interruption. "Friends?" I say, finishing the rest of my sentence. Aziraphale looks at me, almost in relief. "Oh yes. Right. Friends. Yes." he says, smiling. I giggle at his nervousness. 

"Well, I see you two know each other?" Crowley asks. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. God, it's so awkward. "Yes. Starbright here is a favourite customer of mine. She visits here every Thursday of the week." Aziraphale explains.

"Ah yes, that reminds me. I really have to go and check on something at my place. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I start to say, nearly about to leave. "You have to leave so soon?" Aziraphale asks, genuine concern in his voice. "Yeah. Sorry. It was nice seeing you again, though. I'll see you next week? Same time?" I ask. Aziraphale nods in agreement.

I once again smile and head out the door, holding my book under my arm before turning around to face them, saying, "You look great together."

Both guys frown at this, not sure what I meant. But it's Crowley who figures it out, blushing madly and hiding away his now red face. I giggle again, closing the door behind me and smiling to myself. 


You might not be sure who or what I am but... I'm not human, that's for sure. Starbright Hoani isn't my real name.

Emrys is what they call me.

I'm a fallen angel with angelic powers, my wings pitch black, almost midnight but not as striking as Crowley's. It takes the form of an angel's wings and I have a halo with a red tint to it. This is my true form. My wings are hidden, my eyes like a spider. Quite striking if I do say so myself even though it's dirt brown. Not my favourite colour but I always try to change it. I like to keep my hair short and I sometimes decide whether or not I should have freckles. It's always been a second thought to me. 

I have been around for a long time and during those many decades I experienced many things, even learning the many ways of what makes a human... human. You see, I find something in a friendship that is rumoured to be something greater than it's already shown. There's hope, trust and compassion with an underlying strength and love.

I spent many years alone, seeing the friendships that were made and unravelling itself into something so pure and beautiful.

I see that in many friendships and today, I saw it again. It's obvious they love each other. And they still do. All they really need is a nudge on the shoulder. I never really knew how I could do that. But, I suppose it happens. There were times where it worked.

Others, not so well.

While the ones worked and got together there were those who were left in heartbreak and sadness. I always try to make everything better but it turns out, loving someone so dearly is just too much for them.

Eventually, the lovers who lost their loved ones moved on and made progress by focusing on their future, by never looking back and I admired that. My hair whips in time with the wind.

I better go, I thought. 

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