Can't we just be honest?

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After Starbright- or should I say Emrys?- left, Aziraphale and Crowley were now together alone. It seems that the fallen angel has somehow got our angel-demon duo to discuss something important. We should let them figure it out, yes?


"So uh...Crowley. What brings you here?" Aziraphale asks. "Oh uh, I came to see you. Also, here to discuss our... swap trick." Crowley explains, his back to Aziraphale as he does so. He begins to check all over the bookshop, making sure everything is just as it should be because the last time he was in here, it was on fire. And he's sure it won't happen again without Aziraphale using any candles again.

Or ever, really.

Aziraphale nods. "Right. So, how are we to do this, Crowley?" "I believe we have to hold hands. Only for a second. We should be swapped into each other's bodies." he replies. "Hm." Aziraphale says, thoughtfully. Crowley looks over at his shoulder. "Hey angel. You're not nervous, are you? Because if you are..." Aziraphale interrupts. "I'm fine, Crowley. Just worried. But, what if we get caught, Crowley? What if they found out our plan and did something terrible to us... to you! Oh Crowley, I couldn't bear to lose you, not now..." Crowley walks towards the now distressed angel. 

"Angel, look at me. LOOK. AT. ME. We got this. Our respective sides won't ever suspect a thing. Once it's over, we're free. They wouldn't bother us again." Crowley assurs him. "But Crowley..." "No angel. You know this will work. It has to. It's our only plan and thanks to Agnes's book, we can do anything. You just need to trust me." Crowley explains. "I do trust you, Crowley. I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me and I just..." Aziraphale trails off a bit. Aziraphale and Crowley stared into each other, unaware of the close proximity. 

"Don't want to lose you."

Oh dear. We're quite close aren't we? Aziraphale thinks.

Crowley's heart nearly drops when Aziraphale says that. He never, not once, saw Aziraphale so vulnerable until this exact moment. He might have confessed about what Heaven is like to him but that's only if he's ever drunk. This is Aziraphale being open and Crowley's instincts tell him to comfort the angel.

"Aziraphale..." Crowley breaths. 

He can see Aziraphale's eyes start to glisten with tears, almost ready to stain his cheeks. Crowley can't have that. "It's ok, angel. It's alright. Everything will work out. You'll see." Aziraphale, at this point, is on the verge of tears and Crowley carefully pulls the angel into a hug. Aziraphale stands like a statue but he slowly gives in. He returns the hug and places his head on Crowley's chest. "I hate seeing you like this, angel." Crowley says. Aziraphale sniffs.

He never meant to say any of that but he knows Crowley understands, he just KNOWS. Crowley's loyalty lies with Aziraphale and Aziraphale trusts him equally. He just hates it when Crowley sees him like this, his vulnerable side wide open for him to witness. "I'm sorry about this, Crowley." he finally says. "Why are you apologising? It's not your fault you have to worry constantly about certain beings watching over your back all the time. Heck, I worry constantly about Hastur breaking into my apartment." Crowley starts to say.

Aziraphale had a moment's thought.

The thought of Hastur breaking into Crowley's place makes him feel protective of the demon but also heartfelt. Crowley told Aziraphale about the time where he dumped holy water on Ligur and it would've made him feel afraid of the demon but it doesn't. Instead, it makes him feel protected in return. And honestly, quite amusing. Aziraphale starts to chuckle.

Crowley hears Aziraphale's chuckle, his arms placed carefully around him. "You, worried? I can't quite picture that."

He really can't.

Aziraphale lifts his head as he feels Crowley tilting him to his face, his pointed finger on his chin in the most delicate way possible, it's almost like he's not touching him at all.

"I do worry, angel. I just hide it so well even when you can't tell. I worry about you too, angel. Always." Crowley says. Everything began to get quiet, Aziraphale feeling so moved at Crowley's words that he seemed a bit lost, in a daze.

He decides to let himself get out of Crowley's hold, even though he wants to do the exact opposite. He can feel Crowley withdraw his finger away from his chin. The faint whisper of Crowley's fingertips are warm and strong. He shakes his head. He shouldn't be thinking about analyzing the moment they had right now. The most intimate moment he wishes would continue.

"Thank you, Crowley. I hate to stop this but we must move on." Crowley nods in response. Aziraphale is right, they can't waste anymore time they had. "So, we hold hands?" Aziraphale asks. Crowley now smiles, glad that Aziraphale has recovered. "Yes. Honestly, I have never done this before and if I'm not mistaken, I don't think it ever was." Crowley replies. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try." Aziraphale says, his voice now confident. "Yes. Yes, it wouldn't hurt."

The angel-demon duo takes each other's hands and as they did, they feel themselves shift before inhabiting each other's bodies. They shake uncontrollably as a tingling feeling slowly fades. Crowley-as Aziraphale- looks around in his surroundings. Aziraphale-as Crowley- did the same and feels different. So very different.

He uses his hands to inspect Crowley's body and feel his form that is not his own. Crowley's body is slender with sharp angles, so very different from Aziraphale's. The angel can't help but secretly adore it.

Now that he is inhabiting it, he feels so strange to be doing this with the demon. He touches his face, hair and the glasses Crowley always wore. He looks over to see Crowley doing the same. Crowley instantly makes eye contact with Aziraphale through the angel's eyes. 

He is no longer wearing his glasses and he quickly goes to grab something to hold onto.

His hands touch the edges of Aziraphale's bow tie.

Stupid bow tie, he thought, even though he thought it suited Aziraphale perfectly.

Plus, Crowley never thought this would actually work. But now that it did, Crowley had the feeling he wouldn't recover from this.

This is actually happening, he thought as he hears the angel. 

"Crowley?" Aziraphale asks. "Angel? Are you alright?" Crowley asks back. "Yes, I'm ok. Oh Crowley, this is all so new. What should we do now?" Aziraphale asks. "We wait, angel. We wait." Aziraphale nods.

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