If you change your mind again

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Oh my g-, oh my sa-, for somebody's sake, I did it! They passed their trials. They didn't suspect a thing. Oh, somebody pinch me! Wait, don't I- ouch! That's too much isn't it? Ok, fine. Right. Sorry, I'm just so pleased. I can't believe it worked. I didn't expect it to actually work but it did. They fooled them.

And Aziraphale-as Crowley?- oh gosh. He was fantastic! He really did get Micheal to miracle him a towel and a rubber duck. Oh, don't get me started with Crowley's trial. He sure showed Gabriel what he's capable of. 

Should I meet them? Like, should I? Oh, I don't think I can. I'm a bit nervous. I wonder how they react. Would they be pleased that I helped them out? Or would they reject me and not speak to me for many years to come? Oh, why haven't I thought through this sooner? I'm such an idiot.

Maybe I shouldn't. I mean, they seem to be doing fine with each other. Oh, but I want to meet them. Badly too.

What if I just randomly popped out of nowhere and say something along the lines of, "Hello, you might not know me but I've been following you two for a LONG time. I think you two are meant for each other. Bye!" That's not weird, is it? It would be if they don't believe me, which I think they will and most definitely won't talk to me, like ever. Ugh, this is harder than I originally thought. 

You know what? Forget about never being seen again by this duo, I'd rather be anywhere but here and at least having a heartfelt conversation between two beings who really love each other, like so much. I hope they won't freak out. They were now at St.James Park and back into their original bodies.

Ok, this is it. First big impressions, Emrys. You're good at that, I thought. Time to introduce myself.

Wait a second, do I look fine? Hang on, let me just fix my hair. I adjust some of my hair and styled them artfully. I like to make sure I am dressed nicely. I decide to wear my purple jacket and blue polo shirt with black leggings.

Feeling a lot more nervous than I anticipated, I calm down... alright! It's time. I click my fingers and I find myself staring at Aziraphale and Crowley on the bench. "Hello." I say, trying to stay calm, when really I'm anxious. 

"What the?" Crowley screams. He stares down at me, his glasses just sitting on the bridge of his pointed nose. Aziraphale, alarms, recognises me. "Starbright?" he asks, confusion appearing on his soft face. I nod slowly. "Actually, it's Emrys." "Emrys? Starbright, what is the meaning of this? Why do you have another name? Also, why are you here? Did you leave something at the bookshop? We could go..." "No, no it's not that. And it's Emrys. I'm a demon." I sigh in relief when I say that. Oh, why did I second guess myself? That was so easy! 

Crowley spoke. "A what?" he asks. I nod again. "Yes Crowley, I'm a demon. Do I have to make myself clear?" I answer him my hands on my hips. "What? But, you couldn't possibly BE a demon, you're a kid." Crowley argues.

He's right. My vessel is a bit different from other angels and demons but what do I care? I chose this vessel and I quite like it as it is, thank you very much. "Ok, first of all I'm not a kid. And second, I'm older than I look." I explain. Crowley nods thoughtfully. He seems to believe me. "If you're a demon, how come I never heard of you until now?" he asks. I start to explain.

"Well, I usually spent my time with myself meaning I was always alone. I don't cooperate well with the other demons and I'm quite glad of that. I just like to blend with the shadows." Crowley nods. He understands what that's like, he just didn't have many others to relate with. I'm secretly glad he does, I'm afraid of doing something wrong in front of the demon but I know he wouldn't dare do anything to me.

He's not that type of demon and I understand why Aziraphale tried to push him away. But I'm not going to let that happen, ever again.

"Sounds lonely." Aziraphale chimes in. I look into Aziraphale's direction. I smile. God, but he's such an angel. "So, if your're a demon then you knew about..." "Armaggedidnt? Yeah, I stopped time." I interrupt.

"You what?" Crowley screamed again. Wow, I didn't know he could be that loud. "But I thought..." "Oh sorry, Crowley. I only did it because Aziraphale threatened to not talk to you again. Plus, you looked devastated until I stopped time. It only seemed fair if it looked like you did it. Sorry." I gave Crowley a apologetic look. I never meant to actually interfere but they needed help.

Desperately too. 

"It's fine. But if you knew everything, then you knew about our plan. Why didn't you say anything?" Crowley asks. Ah, I figured he'd say that. 

"Because I kept tabs on both sides. And I was the only one who ever visited Earth besides you two. If I didn't ramble on then you guys wouldn't be here right now." I explain. "Oh Emrys, you really shouldn't have done that. There was no reason for you to do any of that." Aziraphale says, joining in. 

My attention becomes focused on the angel. "Oh, ok Azi. And after threatening Crowley, did you feel impressed? Like, really impressed that you had to show off?" I ask teasingly. Aziraphale stares back at me, his face nearly turning red. "I don't know what you are on about, dear." he answered. My question suddenly interests Crowley and nearly jumps out of his seat because of it. "Impressed? Aziraphale, what is she rambling on about?" he asks. Aziraphale couldn't for the life of him look at Crowley.

He feels so embarrassed by my question, I start to regret ever saying that. This is not how I want things to play out. "It's nothing, Crowley." Aziraphale finally says. I couldn't do this. I couldn't just let this go. "Nothing? Aziraphale, you were impressed. Admit it. " I say. 

Crowley waves a hand for me to leave. I don't understand why I have to go. Probably because I opened my stupid mouth and said something I wouldn't be able to take back. I nod to show that I'm leaving. I leave, but not the park. I know I sound selfish right now but this is Aziraphale and Crowley. I couldn't just leave them and not witness everything. I click my fingers again and end up sitting on top of a branch.

From this angle, I can see and hear everything unfold. I make myself comfortable. This was my original idea after all. There's no time for fangirling right now. 

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