— Agent M?
— Yes...?
— Follow me into the lab.
— Okay. Just a minute...

She was in the middle of playing a game of solitaire and someone called her. She arrived to the lab after about 5 minutes. She was organizing the cards.

— You are late. Minus 2 points.
— Damn, alright. Why did you want me here?
— Agent M. Congratulations. You've been selected in this mission. You will have to get more professional training though. You will work with-
— Me.
— Umm, who even are you?
— The legendary Agent K. Remember me?
— Ummm...

Agent K was called as the legend. He completed three missions at one day, giving a great impression to everyone.

— No.
— Come on, I've been seeing you since you were about four years old.
— Yeah, no. I don't know you.
— Anyway, should we start training?
— Sure.

Agent M rolled her eyes. Agent K introduced himself again when they were walking to the training room.

— You look like you're just a soft girl. I don't know how you were selected to this mission.
— I don't even know what the mission is. And I don't even know YOU. I don't know what to trust.
— Just trust me!
— Yeah, right. You look very trustable.
— Trustable is not a word.
— It is. Search it your head since you probably memorized the entire Cambridge Dictionary. If you don't know it, you should go back to first level and take the test again.
— Sorry, my mistake. Also, you didn't have to be so rude about it. You could have told me nicely.
— In both ways, you got something incorrect. I'm reporting it to Professor C4. He's the strict one, remember? Good luck surviving with him.
— Report me! I'm not a student here, so I won't get any consequences.
— Puta madre.
— What did you say, Agent M?
— I said "puta madre," which means motherfucker. Don't you understand Spanish?

Agent M decided not to be nice to him. He was a piece of shit. She just knew it. He wasn't going to be a good teacher for her.

Agent MWhere stories live. Discover now