The Carnival

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The ferris wheel spun against the night sky; like a giant lasso reeling in the stars above to light the Carnival. The haunting melodies from the carousels wafted over the crowd, weaving with the monotonous chattering like an enchantment. Fresh goods and bright prizes tempted the crowds to stay. Beautiful lanterns hung between the parking lights. Bright-colored booths wove a path on the local University's old Theater lot, like an invisible yellow-brick road.

The air breathed a sort of magical finesse. Whether whimsical or bewitching, no one in the crowd had time to notice. They were too busy enjoying the last night of Mardi Gras, before the magic stole away once more.

But not all magic is inviting, of course. Some magic is a dangerous thing to provoke.

Especially when called by a wish from a broken heart.

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