𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻

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Their paths seemed to cross again, but not how they both were expecting. Not in these conditions.

William was always too busy to mind other things than his work, projects. A good physician can't have distractions.

At least he always thought so.

He finished working on The Countermeasure, during the fracture it was the only way to go. He decided to follow. He had to.

Milo kept being inside his memory, all these six years he have seen the future knowing how it'll start. Knowing no matter what, their paths will cross again.

He was like a firefighter, had to put out the fire that burns his trees in his forest, until they'll grow in the grass once again by the time.

It was indeed that easy, but not so at the same time. Then he heard it, he won't comeback, you can't retrieve the past, clouding his mind. He knew it isn't like this.

Then their eyes met, after that long time. His blues kept being on his greens not believing that the past is back. Since Monarch got them both under work, they were partners for a long time.

"Will." were words that filled the workshop as it was something that he thought he wouldn't ever hear again.

"Milo.." he said out back, his eyes widening at the sight of Milo's condition.
He was shot.


He rushed over to him, looking right back at him, not believing the face he saw.

"The machine.. it started the fracture." Milo lets out breathlessly as he looks up at him, he walked in further so he could lean back against the wall, that was now stained with blood out of his stained through wound.

"I know." he said almost like he knew it all. And he did. Has been there over and over.

Milo looked much older than William remembered him to be.

The other held his wound as he sighed in disbelief, this isn't happening, not again.

"What do you mean..?" Milo had no idea how he could know since he has been hiding in the workshop over the years not caring about a damn thing other than his stupid project.

Not stupid at all.

"I've seen future." he had an expressionless face as his eyes scanned the man in front of him, that one who runned over just to get helped.
"You have been on the run for past 6 years. You've been shot. You're on the brink of death."

Milo's eyes went wide as he sat down, breathing heavily. He knows William, he knows him enough to know that he'll help eventually. Blood running down his cheeks, the red liquid staining not only the wall by now.

He stood there, he was thinking of all, all of it. His eyes still emotionless as he kneeled before Milo. Without hesitating, William used a handkerchief that he hid in his drawer of the workbench.

"I know it seems like the world is coming after you, but there's much more."

"You knew all of this and never dared to come back?" Milo hissed at him as he tried to back away. How did William knew all of this and never came back?

He was right.

"I couldn't risk it," he said, his calm voice and face did not change at all. "I was trying to see how would it all fall in together, before I could see you again."

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