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What if William never saved Milo and the Earth from ending?

"There has to be a way to save you... I know it..." William said as he began to desperately looking around him. As he kept looking, his eyes finally landed on the project that was on his work table.

The Countermeasure.

It could save the entire world, maybe it'll save him as well.

He has to put the core to the machine, get it running. Set the date where to save.

He can do it. All or nothing at all.

He turned quickly to his work table, grabbing and placing the core to the time machine, inserting it into the core slot of the machine. William is moving quickly now at his table.

Where to set it, where?

His heart skipped a beat as he saw it. The date. The exact date.

When we first started making the time machine.

"August 16th of 2000."

Setting it and closing the lid.
His fingers moving quickly and carefully. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest and head. All or nothing.

He turned the machine on. In an instant, it began to produce bright, blue energy rays. The lights were so bright, shining from the core in the middle.

A few more minutes, keep doing your thing. William, hold on...

As the machine continued to operate, William took a step back from the machine itself. It's finally working. My mind, my research, my work, it's paying off.

The power from the machine is beginning to get brighter. So powerful that William and Milo's eyes were being forced closed due to the immense power of it.

The machine is about finish the job, keep going...

The power was increasing at a rapid speed. Each passing minute felt like hours and soon the amount of light was so intense that it was blinding, so hot even the room felt like a furnace.

It seemed almost like a explosion of the worlds when it started with all the light and the noises..

But nothing happens specifically, the world was still the same. Frozen in time and Milo was starting to get out his last breath.

He knew it'll all come to this, since the amount of blood he lost and the way he looked. So he recorded his last words, so that William could hear them before he's actually gone.

It failed.

          William, if you're hearing this, I want you to know that you've done everything you could. You've pushed the boundaries of science and risked everything for the greater good. I'm sorry it had to end this way, but remember our journey together. Cherish the moments we shared, the discoveries we made. Keep moving forward, for both of us. And know that I'll always be with you, in spirit. Dont blame yourself or the world for my loss.

These sixteen years, since we built the Time Machine back in 2000.

These sixteen years have been a journey filled with both triumphs and tribulations. We've seen the best and worst of humanity, and we've fought tooth and nail to make a difference. But in the end, it's not the failures that define us, but the courage to keep trying despite the odds.

William, my dear friend, don't let my passing be in vain. Use the knowledge we've gained, the experiences we've shared, to continue the fight for a better world. You have the power to make a difference, to shape the future for the better. Don't let fear or guilt hold you back.

Remember, every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger. Keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible, keep striving for greatness. And above all, never lose hope.

I may be gone, but our legacy lives on. Together, we've laid the foundation for a brighter tomorrow. It's up to you now, William. Make it count.

Goodbye, my greatest friend. Until we meet again, in this world or the next.

Tears welled up in William's eyes as he listened to Milo's final words echoing in his mind. He couldn't shake off the feeling of failure, of letting his friend down when he needed him the most. But amidst the grief and self-doubt, a resolve ignited within him.

It hit him like train.

He wiped away his tears, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch Milo's lifeless form. Promising silently to carry on their work, to honor Milo's memory by continuing to strive for a better future.

With a heavy heart, William stood up and turned to face the time machine once more. Despite the failed attempt, he refused to give up. There had to be another way, another solution to save not only Milo but the world from the chaos unleashed by the fracture.

As he looked around the workshop, his eyes fell upon the notes scattered across the table, the unfinished projects waiting to be explored. With newfound determination, William began to piece together a new plan, drawing upon every ounce of knowledge and ingenuity he possessed.

Time was running out, but William refused to let despair consume him. For Milo, for the world, he would continue to fight. And as he set to work once more, he whispered a silent vow to himself:

Maybe, really, those who we hold dear close, destroys us all when they go.

"I won't rest until I find a way to make things right. For you, Milo. For us all."


( so honoured to share with you their journey, my friends. remember it's up to which ending you choose! see you in the next project. xx )

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