48~ Her Father

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"I will be here bright and early on Thursday," Mariah kisses Hazel's cheek and hugs her, "Okay, we can have breakfast! Like we used to!" Mariah rests her hand atop Hazel's, a sombre expression on her face, "Of course. I'll make all your favourites," Both of them hug each other one more time and Mariah blows me a kiss, mouthing a thank you to me before walking away, jumping into her car and driving home.

"How did that feel?" I place my hand on the small of Hazel's back, closing the door behind us, "Amazing!" She lets out a breath of fresh air, "I feel so light, so free, it's like a giant weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and chest," I kiss her forehead, dripping my arm across her shoulder and squeezing it, "I'm so glad." We walk into the kitchen, Hazel grabs a glass and starts to fill it up with some water.

"I really thought she was never going to speak to me again-"

Ding, ding, ding. Who could that be?

Hazel takes a sip of her water, her head tilting to the side, "Is it Mariah again?" I shrug my shoulders, "Don't know, let me go check," She nods as I start walking away.

As I started getting closer to the door I was getting worried, nervous, scared. Like, whoever was on the other side of that door couldn't be anyone good. I stand face-to-face with the door, slowly, I reach my hand next to the chest of drawers by the front door, opening it I see my small pistol sitting there, and I take it out.

I wrap my hand around the handle, pushing it down.

"What are you doing here?"

"Roman, h-hi..." She licks her lips, swallowing hard as she looks at me, trying to gather her words.

"What do you want?" I snap quietly, putting the pistol back and opening the door a little wider, letting more of my frame fill.

"I-I-I was just passing by the neighbourhood and thought I could pay you a visit, check-in and see how you-

"Roman, who is it?" Her face falls, her eyes averting to behind me, trying to see if she could see whose voice she recognised. I stare at Alice from top to bottom, looking at the long light blue dress she had on she started to flow with the wind, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, looking at the top of her hair and seeing the blonde highlights bending with her grey hairs, her shoulders and arms covered by a long cardigan, with her handbag over her shoulder.

Prim and proper high-standard wife.

Not a hair out of play or a crinkle in her dress. Perfection touched her face. Her features are a spitting image of her daughters and my brother.

"Is that...?" I nod once, my eyes downcast, cut to slits when I look at her, "Yes, Alice. That's Hazel. The same child you abandoned." I watch her lower lip start to quiver but she sucks her lip in, trying to show me that my words are not going to affect her, "Roman I will not tolerate-"

"Get off my property. Now." I close the door behind me not wanting Hazel to hear us. I don't want her to know she is here. "Fuck off to my so-called perfect family Alice and never come back. Don't come back here. Don't try to come by to see Hazel because I'll know...I'll know if you did." Her breath hitches as she takes a step back.

"Your-your father will be hearing about this," I chuckle darkly, shaking my head, "My father's opinion means nothing to me, plus, you think he'll believe you with all the dirt I got on you?" Her eyes go wide, knowing that Dad doesn't have a fucking clue about her history, "With that look I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut." I clench down on my jaw, debating if the next sentence should leave my mouth...or not.

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