nasty ass man i met 🤢

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so there's this guy who i met on schmooze (it's a dating app) and don't ask me why i went there 😭

His Initial is K so let's call him that. Btw, i'm over the A guy i had a crush on, it basically just faded away 😞

So, this guy k, he seemed pretty decent at first and he sent me a very goofy video of him where he was entering the lift of his building and i honestly found it adorable how he was being goofy and yk like frank w me. BUT. then he started making all sexual jokes about how he wants to yk..uh..fuck me..? 💀 I was like bro you're getting too comfy rn..😨 but then he texted normally then again at night we were talking and he "jokingly" said he wanted to lick my period blood 🤮🤮🤮

he also said he wanted to sext💀, but i said i'm not horny ( wouldn't ever sext w anybody) and how i'm on my periods (that's when he made the licking my period blood joke) and then he said he was jk..😬i'm like..gurl nahhhh

he also said stuff like lemme go down on you *yuck...*😐😐😐😐😐

he said he wants me to sleep on his single bed...😧

he's also been in many fwbs so yeaahh..weird..and not my type..and disgusting yuck🤠

then i showed all the chats to my besties and they said to block him so i did *smile*🎃

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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