Not my Fault

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(Y/N) POV:

As Cady followed me into my bedroom, she settled herself on the edge of the bed, curiosity evident in her eyes. 

Clothes were scattered haphazardly across the room as I began clearing out my wardrobe, deciding that it was the perfect time for a much-needed update.

With a playful smile, I tossed the clothes onto the bed, including a cute pink outfit for Wednesday. "You'll definitely be needing this", I said pointing it out.

Cady looked at the growing pile in awe and commented, "Wow, this is like your whole wardrobe." 

Chuckling, I nodded in agreement. "I know, It definitely needs an upgrade. I can go shopping anytime, right now is about you."

As we started chatting, the atmosphere grew light and full of laughter. Cady's energy was infectious, and soon enough, we were both caught up in the excitement of creating new looks.

"Okay, Cady, it's time to channel your inner catwalk model," I declared, gesturing for her to strike a pose. With a playful twinkle in her eye, she obliged, walking down a makeshift runway of clothes, pretending she was on a grand fashion show stage.

We spent the next hour trying on different outfits, discussing fashion do's and don'ts, and playfully teasing each other. Cady's genuine joy and enthusiasm were contagious, and it was refreshing to share this experience with her.

As Cady tried on different styles, I couldn't help but admire her newfound confidence. It was as if she was shedding her outsider status right before my eyes, transforming into a more self-assured person.

Cady selected the outfits that she liked that she felt truly represented her newfound style, including some purses, shoes and accessories. She beamed with excitement, eager to showcase her transformation at School tomorrow. I smiled, genuinely happy for her.

"Janis thinks I should stay away from you, especially Regina. Did something happen? I almost try to ask Janis but I'm to nervous to, and how great you've been to me, I just don't understand," Cady asked curiously.

"Oh trust me I know, she jumped me in the corridor today warning me off. Just ignore her honestly, she's a bit touchy when it comes to Regina, she has a vendetta against her, one that you need to make sure you stay out of. I'm almost certain there'll be a voodoo doll with her face on it in her bedroom. The gist of it is a harmless kiss in spin the bottle turned into Janis lighting a toy on fire. Janis and Regina will both tell you different sides of the story, my advice, don't bring it up," I try to explain, but it's a difficult subject especially when it happened so long ago now.

"Oh, that makes sense I guess" It definitely didn't make sense to her, I can read it entirely on her face, she's more confused now than before she even asked.

"It was a toy that Janis gave to Regina. But then a whole rumour started resulting in Janis getting severely bullied for a while, and she blames Regina completely for it, saying it was Regina making fun of her" I try to explain further.

"And was it Regina?" Cady's interest peaked, as to be expected.

"I think it would be unfair to blame it all on Regina, but again, that's my opinion, and depending on who you ask they will have a different side to it," Let's be honest, I will always defend Regina. 

"Okay, I won't mention it again, thank you for telling me,"

"No problem, anyway, serious talk over, let's get back to it" I smile.

As Cady and I continued our impromptu fashion show as we searched deeper into my closet, laughter filled the room. Just as Cady struck a particularly fierce pose in one of my outfits, the door swung open, revealing Regina, Gretchen, and Karen standing in the doorway. Their eyes widened as they took in the scene before them - Cady, twirling and posing, and me, doubled over in laughter.

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