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"you know this is a stupid idea, right? i don't get why you want to play games with them. it's stupid and it's killing time. can't we just—"

"mind i remind you of our contract, mr jung?"

"yes, but, i'm your friend, hwa. i only want the best for you and your husband."

"mind i remind you of our contract, mr jung."

"do as i command you to. we are not friends in this contract so don't make that fucking excuse."


"that should do it," jisung beamed as he carefully placed the crumpled letter inside the pile of papers. "any sign of that guard or anyone else?"

"none that i can see," chenle spoke up with a serious tone, squinting his eyes as he canvassed the hallways and the balcony— definitely not being inconspicuous at all. as jisung turned back to glance at the smaller, he facepalmed and let out a sigh, constantly pacifying himself that the older has a lot more to learn about the real world and its social cues. "that's enough, le," he spoke out. "let's get outta here as soon as possible. just...stay behind me, okay?"

nodding in partial confusion, chenle grabbed on to jisung's wrist as he watched the taller plan his way out, while he slowly inched behind him. seeing that there is not even a single soul in the hallways for it is already past 10 and most of the tenants have gone for work, jisung held on to chenle's grasp on his wrist as a way to wordlessly mention him that the coast is clear, and bolted out the hallway downstairs towards the exit, with the smaller lagging behind.

"ha...calm down, i'm..." chenle gasped out as he tripped on a few stones, finally losing his balance as he could not catch up anymore. another trip ensued as he fell down, dragging jisung down to an abrupt halt as well. he fell on to a puddle, splashing soot-dissolved water all over his clothes. turning back at breakneck speed, jisung muttered worried 'no's as he collapsed near him, "oh god, i'm so sorry, , are you alright?!"

gasps and deep breaths ensued as chenle jolted himself out of his weird sleepy trance, slowly letting everything sink in. "i-i'm alright," he finally responded after a gruelling 30 seconds of silence as he tried to brush off the stains on his clothes. pulling chenle up, jisung sighed as wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist, rambling countless apologies as he was on the verge of tears for hurting his friend. "i'm so sorry, i didn't see what was happening...i won't let this shit happen again, i'm so fucking s-sorry—"

"i'm okay, sungie," chenle beamed wholesomely, squirming out of his grasp to show that his gait is unharmed, although that smile did not last for long as he noticed the dripping wet fabric clinging on to his frame. "although my clothes are not..."

"i mean, we both need a change of clothes at this point," jisung scrunched his nose as he glanced at how uncomfortable the older looks. grabbing his thighs, chenle yelped as the taller hoisted him up like a baby, concern bubbling up in his head towards the younger. "i'm a-actually okay...and y-you'll fall, sungie...!"

"i won't, le, and besides, you're really light," jisung reassured him, a wobbling smile taking over his features as tears blurred his vision, voice cracking as he stumbled on his words. "i-i'm still so sorry f-for all this..."

chenle sighed as he fell silent, discreetly wanting to console jisung but he knew he was losing in this argument anyways. burying his face on to jisung's shoulder, chenle noticed something ruffling inside the half open bag, beaming as he saw a fluffy little head pop out to boop him on the nose.

"so...where are we going...?" chenle spoke out as he played with the fluffball, noticing that the taller was going faster. slowly screeching to a halt near the edge of a wall, jisung let out a puff of breath.

"i have an idea to get some clothes, you in?"


creeping up on the edge of a wall, jisung glanced at the view of the store from the side, clad in blinking lights and eye catching boards to grab the attention of any potential customers. a guard leans on the brick wall, his stance wobbling and he looked as if he had just woken up. he nonchalantly kicks a rock nearby as it flew outside the sidewalk.

it seemed as if that action kickstarted daegal's hyperactivity as she started squirming in jisung's arms, begging wordlessly to her de facto owner to let her chase down the rock. unable to handle her urges anymore, she leaped and ran towards the stone like her life depended on it, ignoring both jisung's and chenle's calls for her.

the guard merely smiled as he watched the little fluffball play with the stone but he noticed that her attention left the stone and was towards him. not having a single clue on where her owners are, she growled at the man and started barking at him, thinking he is a danger to her and her owners.

jisung tried desperately calling her out, but eventually fell silent as he noticed that daegal was doing a marvellous job at actually distracting the guard, albeit unknowingly. looking back to a very horrified chenle, he reassured the older as he kept an eye on the bichon. "le, it's okay, daegallie is distracting that man for the time being. she's a strong one, don't worry, wait, daegal, no—"

before jisung could say anything after that, daegal aggressively bit the man's ankle, making him howl and curse in pain. the presumed shop owner got out of the store hearing the kerfuffle, and the two took turns in trying to shoo the dog away, only to get bitten continuously.

noticing the opportunity, jisung grabbed chenle by the arm and ran to the shop, eyes darting everywhere in the generously lit room for a few clothes to change into. chenle got the idea soon enough as the two grabbed whatever they can from the oversized aisle, running out of the store through the metal detectors that beeped repetitively, detecting stolen goods.

unfortunately, both men saw the whole commotion and was about to chase them down. jisung called out for daegal and the bichon merely heed her owner's calls, taking to her heels as the three ran away, eventually jumping into chenle's arms as her small legs could not take it anymore.

"thieves! they stole everything!" one of the men yelled, which awakened the previously fatigued atmosphere of the street to pure chaos as many people chased behind the boys, trying to even capture a glance of them so that they can either catch them or report them to the cops.

// yk, i want to finish this before i die. it's such a good plot and i'm leaving it to rot like it's nothing.

// i'll try and update faster because my exams are ending and i need to unwind and write again. i need to channel out my emotions better than mere mental breakdowns.

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