Echoes of Torture

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John woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing on the nightstand. Groggily, he reached for it, squinting at the bright screen. What he saw made his blood run cold.

A series of photos, each one more horrifying than the last, flashed before his eyes. In each picture, he was bound and gagged, his face contorted in agony as unseen hands inflicted unspeakable torture upon him. But what chilled him to the bone was the fact that he had no memory of any of it.

Heart pounding, John frantically scrolled through the messages, searching for answers that remained elusive. Who was doing this to him? And why couldn't he remember any of it?

As the hours passed, the texts kept coming, each one more disturbing than the last. John felt like he was living in a waking nightmare, his mind racing with fear and confusion. Was he losing his mind, or was someone playing a sick and twisted game with him?

Desperate for answers, John reached out to the police, but they could offer little help. The photos were untraceable, the messages sent from anonymous numbers that seemed to vanish into thin air. With nowhere else to turn, John was left to confront the terrifying truth on his own.

As the days turned into weeks, John's life became a living hell, haunted by the specter of his own torture and the knowledge that someone out there was watching his every move. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't escape the suffocating grip of fear that threatened to consume him whole.

And then, one fateful night, as John lay awake in bed, paralyzed by terror, he heard a sound that sent shivers down his spine. Footsteps, soft and sinister, echoing in the darkness of his room.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, John realized that the nightmare was far from over. Someone was coming for him, someone who knew his deepest, darkest secrets and reveled in his pain.

And as the door creaked open and darkness enveloped him, John knew that he would never escape the horrors that awaited him, trapped in a nightmare of his own making with no hope of salvation.

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