Halloween nightmares

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As Sarah opened the door to yet another empty porch, a shiver ran down her spine. For the past few nights, she had been plagued by the sound of the doorbell ringing, only to find no one there when she answered.

At first, she dismissed it as a prank or a glitch in the system, but as the nights wore on and the eerie occurrences continued, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister was at play.

Then, on the morning after Halloween, Sarah's worst fears were realized when she heard the news of the missing children. Panic gripped her heart as she realized that her own kids had spent Halloween night with her ex-husband, and were supposed to come trick-or-treating at her house the previous evening.

Frantic with worry, Sarah reached out to her ex-husband, demanding to know the whereabouts of their children. But all she received in response was silence—a cold, unsettling silence that sent chills down her spine.

As the hours turned into days, Sarah's fear and desperation grew, her mind plagued by horrifying visions of what could have happened to her beloved children. And with each passing moment, the sound of the doorbell ringing in the dead of night echoed through her mind, a haunting reminder of the nightmare that had descended upon her life.

But as Sarah clung to hope and prayed for her children's safe return, a chilling realization dawned upon her—sometimes, the true horror lies not in what we see, but in what we cannot see. And as she braced herself for the darkness that lay ahead, she knew that she would stop at nothing to uncover the truth and bring her children home, no matter the cost.

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