faceless stalkers

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In the heart of the dense forest, a group of friends set up camp for the night, unaware of the horrors that awaited them in the shadows.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness descended upon the woods, a sense of unease settled over the campsite. Strange noises echoed through the trees, and a chill wind whispered through the leaves, carrying with it an eerie sense of foreboding.

But it wasn't until the campers spotted the first naked figure emerging from the darkness that their sense of unease turned to terror. Tall and gaunt, with limbs like twisted branches and skin as pale as moonlight, the figure moved with an unnatural grace, its faceless visage turned toward them in silent menace.

Frozen with fear, the campers watched in horror as more figures emerged from the shadows, their naked bodies illuminated by the flickering light of the campfire. Some stood motionless, while others glided silently through the underbrush, their empty eye sockets fixed on their prey.

With mounting dread, the campers realized that they were being stalked by these faceless creatures, their intentions unknown but undoubtedly malevolent. Desperate to escape, they scrambled to gather their belongings and flee into the night, but the figures moved with uncanny speed, cutting off their escape at every turn.

As the campers ran deeper into the forest, their screams echoed through the darkness, mingling with the haunting laughter of the faceless stalkers. And as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, the campsite lay abandoned, a silent testament to the horrors that lurked in the woods.

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