Two months later


"You need to get off this couch." Kate states. Zola follows closely behind her,they are back from work and not surprised to find me on the couch where they left me in the morning. I'm still crashing at Zola's place more on her couch for the past two months.

I ignore them and continue to stare at the television not really paying attention to what is playing. Zola opens the curtains making me groan while Kate comes and sits beside me.

"It has been two months..."

"Kate!" Zola yells cutting her off. They begin  arguing amongst themselves forgetting that i am still there.

"I'm still sad." I whisper loud enough managing to shut them up."I can't stop hurting.I..."

My voice cracks,i begin crying again which has been a common occurrence for me. They both hugg me and for the first time since Min-Joon death they don't whisper any comfort words to me. They just hold me while i cry my heart out.

I am finally going back to work. The two months leave of work i had requested which had mostly been Zola and Kate have ended and i really need to get some fresh air that is not from Zola's balcony. I am taking the train to work.

A middle aged Korean man with a scar on his left cheek is sitting beside me. Since boarding the train he has solely been focused on me. I try not to squirm under his gaze but he still continues to stare at me.

The train slowly approaches my stop when he speaks.

"I can make it stop." He says loud enough for me to hear.

"Excuse me?" I look around but noone else is minding him and he seems to be talking to me.

"I can stop the pain. Two months and you are still hurting,I can make it all go away."

I stare at him in shock.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I deny preparing to get off the train.

"Kim Min-Joon has been dead for two months." He says with a smile just as the train comes to a stop.

"How do you-"

"I know of a way for you to stop his death." He chimed in. "For you to get your happiness and forget all the pain."

His eyes shine mischievously which tells me that he's hiding more than he tells.

"How?" I ask carefully.

The train starts to move again and i have not yet alighted.

"You can go back in time and stop him from getting killed."

"Why should I believe you!" I snap.

The man smirk at my anger,"He died on the night of your first date. You never even got inside the hotel.You-"

"Stop!" I yell out earning stinky looks from some passengers. " do you know all this?"

He smiles again showing all his teeth.

"Do you want my help or not?"

I stay silent looking at him. My mind races with what he has just said.I can get to see Min-Joon again,hear his laugh and prevent him from dying. Maybe i should just ask Zola and Kate for advice.

But,what if it doesn't work out. What if I do what this man says and he still dies.

"I can hear you thinking," he says."Hope you reach a decision,I'm almost getting off."

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