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The weekend in which Zhan taught him ended as well and of course he had to give many exams to the younger one which made him unable to even come close to the teacher's lips.

Because his friends broke into the house, they knew about his teaching, and of course it was not without mockery of him and the fact that he did not get it as he claimed.

Currently, Zhan is studying it as usual at home after it was announced that there will be an exam tomorrow on what they studied

“Focus on me, this is mathematics, my subject, and you really have to make progress in tomorrow’s exam.”

“I will, I promise.”

He said with a sincere smile

" really really ?"

His eyes widened with joy

“Yes, as long as the return order stands, I will do it.”

He said slyly, furrowing his eyebrows

"You really are"

He moved his student's head away with his index finger

“Zhanzhan, are you free at the end of the week?”


"Didn't you tell me to treat you like a gege?"

“I said hyung, not a secret lover,” he said, chuckling, and the other looked at him with a blank face

“Answer me, are you free at the end of the week?”

"I'll ask lusi first but I think yes."

"Good, let's go out together at the end of the week."

" did not?"

" Why not?"

“If I make progress on my exam tomorrow, I will go out with you for two days.”

"truly !"

"Yes, really"

"Then come on, let's get back to the explanation."

Zhan smiled and went back to explaining the book to the person in front of him, which was already better than before

As usual, they ended in the evening, and the tallest said goodbye to his puppy with a smile, ruffled his hair, and told him that he makes him proud every day.

The next day, as was the new habit for the neglectful student, he came early with his friends just to talk to Zhan when he came for a while.

He entered the classroom with white papers in his hand and all the students were nervous, and indeed even Yibo, who was reviewing the rules paper for the last time, and of course there is no need to say how shocked his friends were.

He looked at him and smiled very proudly
“Now put aside anything related to mathematics and come on
"Try hard"

He put the rules paper in his bag while the teacher distributed the papers. The last paper was placed in front of him along with another small paper.

My sexy teacher|ZYOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz