A not so brief description

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I wanted to write about the setting but couldn't find a good place to put it so I'll write it here. Not required but recommended if you want to better visualize the story.

Hunter's room is in Darius's house. The house as a whole is spotless, with the exception of Hunter's room. Darius had decided to let Hunter choose how clean he wanted it to be, so long as it didn't spread to the rest of the house. Now, don't let yourself think that Hunter is a slob. His room is actually quite clean. Only the neat freak known as Darius could think it's dirty. Hunter's room while not big or fancy is very much his. He has several book shelves full of books. Here is a quick list of some of the books he owns:

1. Cosmic Frontier (duh)

2. A few romance novels (Research for dating Willow)

3. Books on overcoming abuse (given by various people)

4. Books about wolves and other cool things

5. Books on wild magic

Of course, Hunter has a bed and dresser and other essentials but they're pretty generic, so we're moving onto his desk. It is completely covered in homework, personal projects, and random scraps of paper that Hunter intends to use but he probably never will. He has a bulletin board above his desk. Compared to the desk, it is rather barren because Hunter reserved the bulletin board for special things. There are the pictures from his first ever flier derby game, which he will get to play again soon, once sports are reinstated in Hexside. Then, there are the pictures from the group's time in the human realm and some more recent ones. Every picture of Flapjack he had was up there too.

The rest of the house isn't as important but I will give a brief summary. The house is fairly large, not Blight manor levels of big but big enough that it could easily fit two more residents. The decor is tasteful and the walls are abomination purple. 

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