Chapter 50 Elope to the Moon

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he embarrassment of being caught made Zhu Yu's mind go blank for two seconds. After a while, he forced himself to smile calmly and said, "No, no."

"Oh, really?" Liang Ge looked at him with a blank tone, "Let's go together, then?"

Zhu Yu lowered his eyes and said, "Okay."

Liang Ge straightened up, but stopped talking or walking side by side. He kept walking two steps behind Zhu Yu in a leisurely manner.

The cherry blossoms along the road to the school have all faded, but there are still some tall Chinese Sophora japonica trees that canopy the trees. Zhu Yu walked like a light on his back, even taking cautious steps. He was afraid that if he walked too fast, Liang Ge would notice, and if he walked too slowly, the anxiety would be prolonged. He desperately hoped that a classmate he knew could call them to come. Break this deadlock.

There are a lot of students on the street. The senior year of high school has already started self-study early. Only the first and second years of high school are rich and warm. Freshmen in high school are easy to identify in the crowd. After military training, most of them are dark-skinned, with young and lively eyes. They are novel and yearning for everything in the school.

Zhu Yu recalled that when he entered Luming as a freshman in high school, he only focused on studying and was indifferent and defensive towards everyone. It was because he accepted Liang Ge that he slowly tried to accept other people, and now it was because he rejected Liang Ge and the friends he shared with Liang Ge.

He respects and understands different sexual orientations, but he can't imagine himself falling in love with another boy, not even Liang Ge.

He remembered watching the movie version of "Old Stories in the South" with his father when he was very young. It was an old movie with great charm, as light and timeless as plain water. The girl he likes is like Xiao Yingzi in the movie, with fleshy cheeks, slit pupils, big black eyes, chattering, lively and cute.

The previous Wen Xinrong was such a girl.

They stepped onto the corridor of the teaching building one after another. There was no one else, and they didn't speak. There was only the sound of light and staggered footsteps.

Zhu Yu's heart felt itchy and painful like a cat scratching him. After thinking about it again and again, he turned around and said, "Liang Ge."

Liang Ge was a few steps shorter than him, so he had to raise his head slightly when looking at him. There was a blank calmness in his dark eyes, "Huh?"

Zhu Yu's words suddenly stuck in his throat. He opened and closed his lips a few times, but couldn't say a word. He tilted his head in frustration and frustration, "It's okay."

They entered the classroom, Zhu Yu was sitting in the third group, and Liang Ge was sitting in the last group. When he was sitting here, Huo Qingshan came to make trouble with him and wanted to carry him over.

Zhu Yu held on to the window lattice and refused to move. Liang Ge said, "Forget it." Huo Qingshan touched Zhu Yu's head and looked at him with a smile. "What's wrong? Zhu Guanyin, it's not that I hate my brother." Are they here?"

Zhu Yu said, "No."

Really not, he doesn't hate them, and he doesn't hate Liang Ge at all, he just can't accept him or respond to him at all.

When the morning self-study class was over, Fang Yaoan said, "Self-study class cadres, please prepare a little."

Last semester, Huo Qingshan said that chemistry teachers are not easy to mess with. One time, their teacher who taught Hua Jing was out, and Fang Yaoan came to teach for them.

The Time of Cherry and Bamboo shoots in Bloom [MTL] (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang