Chapter 54 Comfort

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he self-deceptive friendship in Zhu Yu's heart was shattered in an instant. He forced himself to calm down, but when he stepped forward, he was still agitated and asked in a confused manner, "Did you find out?"

Liang Ge didn't know what was going on, "What?"

Zhu Yu rarely showed a bit of domineering, "I've told you what I'm asking you to do?"

He thought unreasonably, since you said you like me, of course you have to know this, so why do you like me? Isn't it good to be friends?

Liang Ge was silent for a moment, walked up to him, placed his palm on the top of his hair, gestured towards himself and said, "I've grown taller."

Zhu Yu lowered his head and gave a dull "hmm". It was clear that Liang Ge was right, but he was conflicted and didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

I'm afraid I still have more worries.

They stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus. Zhu Yu felt a little uncomfortable after realizing it. Fortunately, the bus didn't wait too long and the bus came. Although there were not too many people in the car, there were no seats left. There were many students from Lu Ming, and some were carrying pamphlets on their backs.

They stood side by side holding the lifting rings, and the bus continued to move forward. The car body shook slightly, and the people also swayed slightly. Occasionally, they would be lightly touched. Liang Ge occasionally lowered his head to look at him, and there was a girl's voice whispering endorsement next to him. There was obviously nothing else, and Zhu Yu already felt so ambiguous that he couldn't breathe.

"Today's monthly exam."

Zhu Yu Shensi nodded insincerely.

Liang Ge suddenly asked, "Do you want to bet?"

Zhu Yu looked at him blankly, "What?"

"Bet on who will do well in the exam." Liang Ge lowered his eyes and looked at him, his eyes dark and sharp, "The loser promises to win."

Zhu Yu had the illusion that he was trapped by him. He did not answer. Firstly, he was digesting the matter, and secondly, he was weighing it.

He cannot quickly enter a new state, or accept a new environment. He needs a transitional adaptation period. Whether it is when he first entered high school or after the division of subjects, he feels at a loss what he can do, not to mention His shortcomings in science are obvious.

Even though he ranked fourth in the last final exam and Liangge ranked 64th, he still intuitively agreed that it was unwise.

Liang Ge seemed to understand his hesitation and said, "I will not make excessive demands."

Zhu Yu looked away as if to avoid it and looked away.

Liang Ge looked at the small mole behind his ear and fair neck, leaned down and said in his ear, "Are you afraid of me?"

The warm breath in his ears made Zhu Yu immediately shrink, sweating immediately like a stress reaction, and he was so surprised that he almost stepped on the person next to him. After a series of reactions, he replied calmly, "How can I be afraid? When will I be afraid of you? Already?"

Liang Ge saw his eyes rolling around in panic, "Now."

Zhu Yu's Adam's apple slid, and when he looked at him, he straightened his back and his voice unconsciously rose a little, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid at all."

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