6th Southampton-class?

76 5 0

Royal Navy
Buckingham Palace
A few years before ww2
1500 hours

-no one POV-

HMS Warspite was sitting at her office doing her work. She was piss off when the Queen just throw away her work towards her. Now, she is stuck at doing her paperwork. Suddenly, someone knock the door.

??? : Ma'am Warspite, we bought your evening snacks.

Warspite : Ah, come in. The door was not lock.

Two maid can be seeing enter Warspite office. It was HMS Glasgow and HMS Enterprise. Enterprise was pushing the pushing moving table, while Glasgow was preparing the plate and cup. Glasgow poured the tea while Enterprise put the cake into the plate. Both of them then finish their work and stand beside Warspite before bowing to her.

Glasgow : Ma'am, your evening snack had finish prepare.

Warspite : Thank both of you. *put down her pen*

Both of them just silently stand near Warspite without saying anything. Suddenly, someone knock the door. Both of them can see Warspite expression change.

Warspite : Who's there?

Hugh : It is me ma'am, Admiral Sir Hugh Sinclair. May I come in?

Warspite : You may. *drink her tea*

Hugh than came in with a file at his right hand. He salute at Warspite first before handing over the file. Warspite take the file before reading it one by one. Then, she open her mouth.

Warspite : Still no progress about it?

Hugh : Negative ma'am. Those b****** were really good at hiding it.

Warspite : Damn it. B***** h***.

Hugh : Is it fine to let these two maid in here ma'am. I mean, it was classified information after all.

Warspite : Don't worry about it Hugh. I trust these two. They won't spill the beans.

Hugh : If you say so ma'am. I need you to look at the last page of the file ma'am.

Warspite then open the last page of the file and read it slowly before suddenly spray her tea onto the file.

Glasgow : Is there anything wrong ma'am. *quickly hand over a towel to Warspite*

Warspite : *cough**cough* Don't worry about it. *cough*

Hugh : Is there anything that we need to do about it ma'am?

Warspite : Of course. How dare they capture our agent beyond their border. Those Iron Blood need to pay.

Hugh : But, it can be used by Iron Blood if we do something.

Warspite : Oh Hugh, I won't tolerate about this one. Those f****** a****** capture two dozen of our agent! And it was beyond their borders!!! *slam the file at her table*

The rest were shock of Warspite action but decided to shut their mouth close.

Warspite : Hugh, is Sheffield available?

Hugh : I'm afraid not ma'am. The Queen had order her to work together with the MI5 regarding about Iron Blood spies at here.

Warspite : What does those b***** b****** do? Do they don't know how to work?

Hugh : I'm afraid that the Iron Blood just increase their capacity and ability in espionage warfare.

Warspite : Great. Now, my brain is jammed how to retrieve our agent that being caught.

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