Bad feeling

26 3 0

Royal Navy
Buckingham Palace
1635 hours
Half a year later

-no one POV-

Howe : You majesty, I would like to report to you that your sister, her majesty Elizabeth and her fleet is now on the way back to the Royal Navy.

Valiant : *sigh* It felt like I only held this power for temporary only.

Howe : That because you are. At least you majesty had made great decision and action.

Valiant : Is that so? Is my achievement really great?

Howe : Yes you majesty. Think about it, under your rule, we manage to hold the Iron Blood from monopoly the English channel and the North Sea. Though with the help of our allies of course.

Valiant : That wasn't much.*sigh*

Howe : Plus, under your majesty leadership, we manage to push out Crimson Axis from North Africa.

Valiant : But it takes year...

Howe : You majesty shouldn't be upset had to return the power back to your sister. Maybe, she will look to you again if she ever need help.

Valiant : Howe...

Howe : Maybe she even consider to let you rule again if she wants to take a break or vacation.

Valiant : You right Howe! After this, Elizabeth can look for me for help! Maybe, she will even consider to gave the throne to me! Hahaha!

Meanwhile outside of Valiant room, Glasgow and Enterprise was putting their ears at the door. They heard every single detail at there. They so focus hearing that they didn't notice that Ripper just looking at them for some time.

Ripper : *clear his throat*

Glasgow : Hah! You surprised me!!!

Enterprise (RN) : Since when you here?

Ripper : First, it was rude to secretly heard anyone else talking. Second, especially it was the Royal Family. Third, shouldn't you guys prepared her snacks. Lastly, I am at here a few minutes ago.

Glasgow : Oh about the snacks. Don't worry about it. Her majesty said she doesn't want it this evening.

Ripper : She doesn't what?

Enterprise (RN) : You heard your sister says. She doesn't want it for this evening.

Ripper : That's surprising.

Glasgow : By the way, what are you doing here as well? Surely not to join us?

Ripper : I wouldn't do something unnecessary like that. I want to inform her majesty about something. *shows a file*

Both of them back off from the door. Ripper than knock the door.

Ripper : You majesty, may I come in? I had a urgent thing to tell you.

Valiant : Huh? You may come in Jack. The door are not lock.

Ripper than walk into the room before stopping in front of Valiant.

Valiant : What is it Jack?

Ripper : If I may you majesty, I would like to read it for you from here.

Valiant : That was odd, but sure. Let me hear it.

Ripper : The MI6 had gave a information to miss Duke of York. She read the file before urgently ask me to bring it to you.

Valiant : What is it? Did Iron Blood make a giant fleet for an attack?

May I take your life ladies and gentlemen? ( Azur Lane x OC ) fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now