Night out

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After a long day of work Rody entered his apartment exhausted, it was a total mess, crumpled up papers all over the floor, clothes on the couch, and some weird stains here and there. Vincent, his boss was so strict and annoying, not to mention, he was kind of creepy. He entered his apartment slowly and threw himself on the couch, making the coils squeak, he messaged his eyebrows and ran his hand down his face.

He stared at the ceiling, thinking of what to do, he was hungry, but he couldn't even make a bowl of cereal without burning it, and even though Vince gave him left overs, he didn't really like his cooking, he felt as if it needed love, also he didn't trust himself with a microwave. Rody laid there motionless, after a few seconds he sat up his back hunched over, he reached over to the telephone on his coffee table and marked a number he might have marked to many times already, and yet, he never got a response, but he didn't loose hope. He waited patiently for the sweet familiar voice of his girlfriend, but instead, he got the spiritless voice of an unknown woman saying "please leave a message after the tone" he immediately hung up, <<was it really worth it?>> He thought to himself, he pushed that thought away, trying not to think about it.

<< Maybe I should just go for some drinks to keep my mind off of this, and to have a break>> he thought, he then got up and started to get changed into the only other clean clothes he had, he put on his shoes and headed out the door.

There was a nearby bar right down the street that he went to when he needed a break, it wasn't far so he always walked there. There wasn't a lot of wind but there was still a little cold breeze in the atmosphere, he walked to the bar with his hands in his pockets while he looked at the ground, kicking any rock or small pebble in front of him.

When he arrived, he sighed, he open the door and walked in, it was an average night, the drunks were loudly playing pool and the people that really just needed a break from life, like him, where at the counter hunched over looking down. He didn't live in a very fancy area, actually it was the opposite, so the bar wasn't the cleanest, and probably not even the safest.

Rody walked over to the counter sitting down on one of the hard stools, they were very uncomfortable, he waved down the bartender and ordered what he usually did, a plain old beer. As he waited for his drink he decided to look around, when he suddenly spotted someone that caught his eye, it was a beautiful young lady sitting a few seats away from him, she had very short hair and the most beautiful red dress he had ever seen, it fit her body so perfectly you could see every detail , he was mesmerized, he knew it was rude to stair but he couldn't help it, he was like a dear in headlights.

The bartender came over to him with his drink, snapping him out of his trance. Rody jumped as he heard the bottom of the glass hit the hard wooden counter, he looked at the bartender and asked him

"Hey do you know the name of that beautiful young lady over there" he pointed over to the girl in the read dress

The bartender looked him up and down, then looked at the girl

"No, I don't, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you" he scoffed and walked off.

Rody drank his beverage quickly to go and talk to the mystery lady, but just as he put his glass down and stood up to go talk to her, she was gone without a trace. He was sad and disappointed, would he ever see her again?

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