The next day

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Rody woke up the next day, he slept on his couch, his hair was a mess and he didn't even have pants on, he was exhausted. He checked the time and quickly got up to get changed, he was gonna be late for work! He put on his pants, almost tripping, changed shirts and flew through the door, not even bothering to tie his bow tie. He hopped onto his bike and started peddling like his life depended on it, because it sort of did, since that was his only job, and he wasn't even getting paid very well.

When he arrived he bursted through the doors, thankfully no guests had arrived yet, but Vincent was waiting for him with his arms crossed, and not very happy.

"WHY ARE YOU" he checks the clock quickly to know the time "20 MINUTES LATE? CARE TO EXPLAIN?"

Rody looks down at his feet and puts his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it a little.

"Sorry Vince I over slept, I swear I didn't meant to" he said, mumbling a little.

Vince sighed and put his pointer finger and his thumb on the top of his nose bridge, in between his eyebrows.

"Whatever, just, get to work" he sighs again and walks away.

Rody looks back up, for some reason, he feels like he's seen Vincent somewhere else, he then remembers the girl at the bar, forgetting about Vincent.

Rody doesn't know how to feel, he loves His girlfriend, Manon, but he knows deep down, that she, most probably, doesn't love him back, and maybe if he's lucky enough to see that girl again, he might ask her for her number, and offer her a date even, of course after they got to know each other a little more, right now Rody barley even knows what her face actually looks like, since he didn't get the chance to see it very well. He curses under his breath and passes his hand down his face. Then he starts walking off preparing for the guests that are going to arrive.

As the day passed Rody couldn't concentrate well on his job, he was to busy thinking about the lady in the red dress, does he even have a chance? I mean just by the look of her dress you can tell she's part of the upper class, but then, what was she doing in such a landfill of a bar then? All these questions rushed through his head. Not being able to focus made him give the wrong orders to many tables, trip many times, take way too long, and even spill a drink on a table, luckily it was only water.

At the end of the day when the restaurant was right about to close, Vincent called Rody into his office, Rody knew why, he sighed and dragged his feet over to his boss's office, sitting down on the chair after closing the door behind him.

"Rody, Do you know WHY I called you into my office?"
Vincent asked him, standing up, over his desk, his hand pressed down onto it.

"No" Rody lied, he knew exactly why, but he just didn't want to admit it.

"Oh! Ok, well then let me enlighten you, first off you served the wrong order to not just one but almost 6 tables today, then you took forever on serving the tables, the wrong order at that, and worse of all you spilled a DRINK over a table where guests were sitting at. Care to explain why all of this happened?" Vincent said as he walked around the room.

"Well maybe if you hired more waiters this wouldn't have happened" Rody said under his breath.

"What did you just say?" Vincent's eyes widened as he looked the waiter shocked.

"Nothing, I've just had something on my mind lately" Rody said not looking at Vince.

Vince scoffed "what do you have on your mind that is more important than your job?" He said walking back to the desk.

"Well, I doubt you actually care, but I saw this absolutely stunning woman at a bar last night, she had a beautiful red dress, and short black hair, and I can't stop thinking about her" Rody explained, looking up at Vincent.

Vincent sat down . He felt little shocked that Rody, the same guy that would cry about his "girlfriend" in the middle of work hours, is now swooning over some random girl he saw at a bar

"what happened to the love of your life?" Vince asked sarcastically.

Rody looked down and started fidgeting with his fingers "Well, I think it's time I moved on, she hasn't responded to not even one of my calls so-" Vincent cut him off "Yeah Yeah I know" <<hallelujah, I won't have to listen to him yap about his girlfriend that doesn't even love him anymore>> Vincent thought.

Vincent massaged his eyebrows and said "Well just pay more attention to your work next time ,okay? or I might have to fire you"

Rody smiled, relieved he wasn't getting fired, yet, and got up from the chair, pushing it back into the desk.

"Thank you so much" Rody said as he walked out the door sprinting outside to his bike.

Vincent stayed in his office as Rody sprinted away, and scoffed, a small smile on his face.

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