Is that you?

718 22 31

Days passed, Rody didn't go back to the bar because he didn't feel like going back there, and he had barley any hope that he would see that girl again, but tonight was different, something in him was telling him to go, the memories of his ex Girlfriend were rushing back to him, and he started to feel a little guilty for even looking at another girl, but he at least wanted to find out her name, or see what she actually looks like up close, or far away, it really didn't matter to him.

He speed walked out the door, unlike last time his head was heald high and he walked fast, with a purpose. When he got there he looked around immediately, she wasn't there. He felt disappointed, but he was already there, and he brought some money with him just in case.

He sat down at the counter, any slight hint of hope and energy gone, right when he was about to wave down the bartender, the door opened, he turned around quickly eyes wide hoping to see her, and there she was, he couldn't see her face well but he saw she was wearing red lipstick, she was stunning, her body was perfect, she was a as flat as a board, but Rody didn't care at all, she was wearing fishnets, a long grayish boa scarf (fluffy scarf) and velvet red heels, matching perfectly with her dress. He was speechless. She walked over to the counter and sat down a few seats away to the left of him, this was his chance. He got up, fixed himself, brushing away any dirt, and walked towards her confidently.

He stood behind her thinking of what to say

"Hey, I saw you and thought you are very pre-"

A sigh could be heard coming from her, she sounded very, masculine.

"Listen man, i have a di-"  they said as they turned around.

She, or well, he stopped talking and looked at Rody in shock,

"fuck" he said his eyes wide, and his mouth open enough to the point only his upper teeth were visible.

Rody was stunned, his hand was hovering in the air, very close to the guy's shoulder, his mouth was wide open, was he seeing things? Did the mole in his apartment affect his brain?


He said shocked looking at his boss, Vincent, who was right in front of him, in a red dress, and with lipstick on. HE was the reason he couldn't concentrate? Worse of all was that, he still felt like he did before, nothing changed except for the shock that he was swooning over his boss.

"Rody?, what are you doing here?" Vincent asked his face slightly red.

"What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here? And in a dress!"

Vincent paused, trying to think for a second what he could possibly say.

"None of you business, I chose to express myself in this way, and I'm here because I can't go to the bar in my side of town because everyone knows me over there-" he paused and thought for a second.

"Wait... was I the "girl" that you couldn't stop thinking of?" He asked pointing at himself.

Rody froze, his face turned red, fuck, he was right, and worse of all, he looked really good.

"Well, I mean..." Rody said as he put his hand on the back of his neck, he was very nervous.

"Fine, yes, apparently you were, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE MY BOSS!"

everyone in the bar turned to look at them, Vincent sighed and rubbed his eyebrows as he got up from the wooden stool, he could walk perfectly in heels, he could probably even do gymnastics in them if he wanted to.

"I think it's better if we talk outside" Vincent said as he walked over to the doors of the bar, opening them and letting Rody exit before him.

They started to walk, the situation was very awkward, none of them spoke for a little bit,Rody would occasionally glance over to Vince, damn why did he look so good? Why was Rody feeling this way?

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