Chapter Two

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"My head, oh my god. Shit." Mila comes stumbling into my kitchen holding her head, still wearing last nights dress. Her glasses are crooked and her hair is a ratted mess. I push the bottle of pain relievers over to her and a glass of water. She gives me a thumbs up as she takes them both.

I smile as I take a sip of my coffee, "Feeling it a bit this morning killer?"

"Ha ha, you are hilarious. I think I sent Brent some 'not so safe for work' messages last night too." She explains as she puts her head in her hands.

I laugh to myself setting a bagel in front of her. I want to tell her how well last night went with James but I don't want to bombarde her with too much information. I don't think I've ever met someone like James. The sophistication, the way with words, the piercing looks, the alluring smile, I can't shake him from my mind.


I glance up, "What?"

She studies me for a second, "I asked if everything went well last night. Did James even show up?"

I nod, playing it pretty nonchalant, "Oh yeah, it went great actually. He is on board with everything. He loved my ideas, he loved the party, and he even said he already knew he was going to work with us anyways."

She takes a bite of her bagel, wincing a bit, "Well I bet Easton was pleased."

"I think Easton was surprised. But I don't know why, James seemed thrilled about everything we've done with other clients and what we plan to do for him."

Maybe Easton didn't think I could pull it off. Maybe he thought I would drive James away for some reason. He looked truly astonished, which kinda dug at me.

Mila shakes her head, "I think sometimes men in power think they can be the only ones to close deals or do the job the right way. But you are one of the best employees in the company even if Easton has too big of an ego to see it,."

After an hour Mila wrangles up her stuff and goes back home. I honestly don't know what I would do without that girl. I know my sanity would be lost. Whenever she started at Hawk Publishing we just clicked. I've never had a friend as close as she is to me. She cares about what I'm going through and is willing to drop everything for me and I'm willing to do the same for her.

I grab my cup of coffee and head to my cozy reading nook. I pull my blanket up to my lap laying James's book down. My fingertips brush over the page reading the title over and over again.

Falling Down in Love.

Falling Down in Love.

As I started reading, I knew Easton was right about him. The way you could feel the pain in the lines, as if he was looking at me and telling me all this himself. He used his heart as ink. The characters were unique but I couldn't help smiling knowing that the main character was based off James. He was showing himself as what he is, or at least what he wants to be. He seems soft, caring, romantic, and just perfect.

I glance down and realize I just had a couple chapters to go. I couldn't seem to put it down. The two main characters just got into this huge fight about the main girl Sarah who cheated. They go back and forth basically going through their whole relationship that I just lived through with them. The next couple of lines send a sharp pain into my chest.

"Maybe we just aren't meant for each other. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake. Maybe you were a fucking mistake," Sarah yells as she grabs her things, bringing them closer to the door, she pushes away from me with every word.

I stand up having enough, "We could've had everything Sarah, everything. I wanted you. I wanted to be with just you. I'm done fighting for you, fighting for us. You gave that up as soon as you brought another man into our bed. Yeah, you're right though. This whole thing was a mistake. It was a mistake that I met you. It was a mistake that I gave you a ride home that night. And it was a fucking mistake that I fell in love with you."

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