Chapter Five

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And again.

I play the other night over and over again in my head. The way James looked at me. The way we pulled together like magnets. The way our lips fit. A million tiny details flooding my mind. He smelt like a mix of cedar wood and sage. His hands on my skin made my body shake, like ever fiber was being woken up again. The way I ached for him to touch me more, to completely devour me.

"Amora!" I glance up seeing Mila waving her hand in my face.

"Sorry, Mila I was just completely zoned out. What's going on?"

She puts her phone in my face and I notice its showing aa news article. The headline says, "Who is James Masters's Secret Lover?" and under it is a picture of us on the railing, him right between my legs, kissing me.

Great, the most romantic and sensual moment of my life is displayed for the internet to see.

I shake my head, "No one is going to know it's me except for the people at the party." Honestly it's not like it's huge news, and it's not bad press for the book either.

"Exactly Amora. His date that you clearly pissed off is already tweeting about you. Also I'm very upset you didn't run and tell me this happened! I wanna know every detail."

I smile, "Well Mila if I remember correctly your tongue was deep down in Dax's mouth so I didn't get a chance. But I also was still processing it myself."

Mila nods, "If James kisses anything like his brother, I understand the need for processing time."

We laugh a bit together and I notice Easton walking towards my office. A large pit in my stomach grows.

Why am I nervous?

I don't need Easton's permission to kiss someone.

But damn does he look pissed.

Easton barges in, "What the hell is this Amora?"

I sigh, "Easton, it's really not a big deal. I'm looking at his following and it's growing, this won't affect business sales."

He scoffs, raising his voice, "I'm more worried about the company image than the fucking book sales."

I give Mila a look and she nods walking out the door closing it behind her. Glancing out I see everyone at their desk looking right in then quickly looking away.

"Easton, it's not giving our company a bad image, it's just a kiss."

"My company, Amora. Mine. If you want to be with him in that way, whatever, go ahead. But do not do it in a work setting. Try being professional."

Hearing a knock at the door, I look up seeing James at the door.

Easton looks over to him then back at me before saying, "Well, isn't this perfect? James I was just telling Amora how unprofessional this whole scandal is."

James furrows his brows a bit, "I mean I wouldn't call it a scandal. Also, I kissed Amora. I didn't read anything on my contract that said that was against the rules here."

Easton glares to him, "It's not against the rules I just-"

"Then there should be no issue here. Unless there is another reason as to why you're yelling at Amora for kissing someone."

Easton shakes his head, "I don't care who Amora kisses, just no PDA in a work event or in the workplace."

James nods, "Noted."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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