Chapter 17

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Slipping his fingers between yours, Namjoon calmly explains, "Uncle Simon has been unwell, so he sent his fiancé to represent him at those events. She came by at the house the other day after I let it slip to my uncle during our last phone call and let him know that we are expecting twins. She came by while begging me to tell her everything about it. They are both excited to hear the news and had invited us to visit them both as soon as we're both available."

Hearing all of this, you are left completely speechless. And you are feeling quite foolish at the same time after listening to his revelation.

That the woman, Nara, is his uncle's fiancé.

Once everything sinks in on you, your emotions come flowing out of you as if a dam had just been broken.

Relief, shame, and anger—which is aimed at yourself rather than the situation. Everything that you have been holding back inside comes together all at once, erupting out of you in the form of tears falling down your face.

"I'm sorry," you murmur to him between the sobs that are caught in your throat. "God, I feel so stupid. You're right, I should've gone to you as soon as I saw those articles and when I saw you that day. I should've asked you about it, but I"—your words are cut off by a sob that manages to escape you—"I was scared to know the truth, worrying that maybe I was in over my head for daring to hope that we could be—that you and I would—"

"Hey, hey. Come here," Namjoon whispers softly as he rises from his seat and walks over to your side, wrapping his arm around you to pull you in. With your face pressed to his chest, you immediately melt into his embrace, and simply give in when he begins rocking you gently with him.

"I have no idea what I was thinking, or if I was thinking at all," you groan with a voice that is wet and strained after crying so much. "They say pregnancy brain will make it hard for me to think clearly or that it'll cause someone to be completely irrational, but I just—"

You release a shaky sigh. "I also don't think my unstable hormones are helping with this case either."

Resting his chin on the top of your head, Namjoon closes his eyes briefly. "It's okay, Peach. You can't really say that I'm not partially responsible, so don't blame yourself," he whispers before he leans back, looking at your face. "I'm sorry for not talking to you about it sooner. I should've cleared things up so you wouldn't have any reason to doubt me."

"Yeah, you should have," you agree with him with a soft chuckle. "But I also should've asked you about it rather than running away and doubting you."

"I agree with you on that one," he chuckles. He presses a gentle kiss on the top of your head and whispers, "But I'm glad we cleared that out. We're going to be okay now, aren't we? Just let me know if there's anything bothering you and I'll answer them, one question at a time."

You look up to him, meeting his gaze which seems so comforting as he is watching you closely.

"Is there anything else bothering you, Peach?" he suddenly asks, as if he is seeing something hiding behind your tears.

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